924T said:
The level of innovation that occurs on a daily basis within this forum is just amazing. Staggering, actually.
That why we like this place so much.....
924T said:
So, Patnor1011, after using your new technique, all you've got to do is sort those 3 groups out and you're ready to refine?
Yes, but that is the hardest or lets say longest part of process.
924T said:
How are you separating the gold wires from the silicon centers and the pins?
My observation or what I think is happening is that in heat solder which connect bonding wire to silicon core (chip) and to pins is melted and wires practically released. Some may stay attached for a while but that is only till you grind or mash burned mass.
924T said:
Is there any gold at all in the ash that turns to mud?
I do not think so. I use pan and another as catching pan. If I only decant "mud" colored water there is nothing visible in catch pan, it is just dirty water. Whatever stays are just not crushed pieces of plastic, pins, silicon cores and gold wires. I try not to grind when I do have pins in mix as I found out that gold wires can be smeared on pins if you crush too hard. I use magnet to take out non magnetic pins and then panning and panning like old timers to separate gold from pins. I also try to collect as much of silicon cores as possible as they are like glass. But if you want shortcut just use warm HCl to digest as much copper and tin as possible and then AR. All silicon will stay in filter.
I just process 1,1kilogram south and north bridges for one gentleman. It is much much easier as there are no pins in them. Only plastic, silicon and gold. 8)
924T said: