What a pain

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Supporting Member
May 31, 2016
You guys would not believe what a pain these were to get hold of. There's an odd one out here if you look closely.



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I know you probably could not have waited a couple months but I'd have given them to you for free. Occasionally we see stock like that come in but 'tis a crap shoot...
Lou said:
I know you probably could not have waited a couple months but I'd have given them to you for free. Occasionally we see stock like that come in but 'tis a crap shoot...

dude...I think I've asked you if you had some when I needed it.

Maybe it's a misunderstanding and I don't know what i'm looking at. These are the thingamajiggers you put in the who ha to cause a watchamacallit right?

In all seriousness, the only piece you i knew you had was the piece in the assay lab betwix chemical cabinet and wall. although that one is a bit more exotic i imagine.
anachronism said:
I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, so hit me up when you get them in next time 8) 8)


Lou can attest that I am not only able to look that gift horse in the mouth, I point out it's crooked teeth.
canedane said:
Iridium left and right, the middle one is some things else.
I see this all the time in my scrap.

Henrik I wish I saw these in my scrap all the time. I've had the devil's own job getting these made for me without losing my shirt. 8) 8)


Edit For scale they are 22mm diameter and 150mm long . Or roughly 1 inch diameter and 6 inches long for you American folks.
By scrap, I mean ones without the plating...

Did that supplier I sent you end up being able to help you, Jon?
Hmm Interesting.
Well I'm pretty sure it is not for cementing values, and it is way to big for most anything I could use a bolt/cylinder for.
I'm also pretty sure it's not stainless steel, because that is easy to get hold of.
The color don't seem right for Titanium, and we do not know if its plated, tube/pipe or massive.
So there is a lot we do not know.
Anyhow I'm still curious :D
Anything you want to disclose in this guessing game?

The material is solid bar.
The centre one is not plated whereas the outer two are. This was included merely for colour comparison.
The base material IS Titanium.
Oops, my bad.
I have never seen Ti in that color. Well, unanodised that is :oops:

My guess then is: that it is platinised Titanium for a center electrode.
Namely for the carbon cell discussed in the past????
A long shot I know :D :lol: