what chemicals do i need to get started in reverse electropl

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New member
Nov 18, 2011
I am brand new at this and am trying to learn what chemicals i need and at what proportions and the process of reversing gold electroplating any help would be appreciated
Welcome to the gold refining forum, this is a place we learn to recover and refine valuable metals, the people here are very friendly, and helpful, they will help you learn, but they will not walk you through every step, this is a very vast field, and can be very dangerous, if you do not know what you are doing, even then there are many risks, do not expect to get a few instructions and be able to recover or refine metals successfully and safely, you will have a lot of studying to do to prepare yourself for success.

I will give you my recommendation to help you get started, as you do these you will find more you will need to do.

Read the safety section, and study on your own about the chemicals and dangers involved with these acids, oxidizers and metals, many of these metals and powders or salts of these metals, or fumes of these we are making more dangerous than they are normally, we try to bring many of these dangers to light here on the forum, but there is no way we can have all of them here, so you need to research off of the forum also too. Check MSDS

Read the posts on dealing with waste, treating your waste materials properly will help our planet and your family and others from being poisoned from what we do, it will also help you when the authority's come to your house and want to know what you are up to.

Read C.M.Hoke's book, this book was written by a woman who taught refining precious metal wastes, this book is very important to read if you want to do this, she does not go into every process we use here but she teaches all of the basics, she walks you through experiments that prepare you for what you will see in reactions, how to deal with what you encounter while refining, she teaches you how to identify metals in solutions that you can no longer see, there is a free download to this book in the book section or links under many members posts, you can also buy the book (i got mine at action mining they have online catalog), or other places like book sellers online.

Find the general reaction list, it is in with the posts welcoming in new members, was put together by one of our members, some overview of some of what we do,

Also find a post by Laser Steve, he has links to his web site, free videos, and some fine data, he also sells some DVD's to help others, he sells a few supply's, many of us use, he sells these at very reasonable cost, (seems to me not to make a profit but just to help others and cover his cost's)

Read the forum, older posts are very helpful, you will find more answers to your question's by reading these old posts than you would by asking a question and having one of us answer it, there is tons of information just sitting there for you to discover, laser Steve’s web site has a search button that seems to work better than the one we have on the forum, searching for your question will bring up the answer to your question and also answer you did not know the question for.

Well it may seem I did not give you an answer to your question, look deeper the answer I gave you is your answer.

But if you want a direct answer to what chemical, OK I will say 98% H2SO4, portion depends on your cell size.

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