What is the story with Steve's cell videos

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Jan 18, 2010
Does anyone know what is happening with Steve's cell videos. I can load "Construction" and "Copper mesh" videos but not filtering or dilution.

Thanks in advance

These videos have not been converted to the newer format like the others.

I had hand surgery last week and only have one good hand. I will try to get them moved as soon as I am able.

In the mean time, I have made several posts detailing these processes. Here's a recent post on diluting:

Black powder from the cell


Hope your hand heals quickly. I reviewed your referenced tread a few days ago. Thank you!

I received your cathode and deplated 5lbs of connectors and pins of various grades: last Saturday and sunday. I wish to thank both you and Harold and this web site for this.

Sunday evening I siphoned off water from rinse bucket, Monday morning I siphoned off sulfuric acid from cell then combined the two and added 4 times its volume with water. Tuesday morning I siphoned off first rinse water and filled with water again for second wash. Wednesday morning I siphoned off second rinse water then did a HCL wash. Thurday I did last water rinse. At that point, gold settled completely in about an hour. At this point, I did ammonia test to rinse water and no blue color was evident.

Yesterday I filtered then added HCL/clorox. ratio of 1/4. I do not have scale and did not measure gold weight. I added 8oz HCL to 2oz. of clorox. I knew this would not be enough to do the job just wished to witness the dissolving in different stages

Anyway, I wish to consult before continuing. Attached is a photo where solution clearly indicates base contanimant. Most of my feed stock was copper base and ammonia test showed negative for copper. I was expecting an AuCL color.

Should I siphon off and SMB solution: then, boil remaining cell gold in HCL to remove base?

I would appreciate some assistance



  • cell gold recovery 002.jpg
    cell gold recovery 002.jpg
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You should continue to dissolve the black powder. HCl-Cl will work, but the modified poorman's AR works even faster. Either way, be sure to add the oxidizer in small increments with lots of stirring and heat to prevent locking your gold up in solution. If you do lock it up there is always evaporation to get you out of a jam.

Modified Poorman's AR

The listing demonstrates the process on cpus, but it works the same for any material.

The green color could be due to base metals that do not show up in ammonia, iron comes to mind. Your gold will go into solution fine and need the normal HCl boil to get it clean. A second refining wouldn't hurt either for highest purity.

Also you can expect to see a mossy type sludge either floating or in the bottom of the beaker even after the gold goes into solution. Not sure what it is, but it's always there when working with gold powder from the cell.


Thank you for assisting me. I will proceed as you outlined.

I came across a site the other day that was selling a cyanide free cell solution that cost $20.00 a quart and they claim it strips only gold---no base metals. I would like to find out more information about this option. Would you mind touching on the subject.

Thanks for the info about the mossy affect. Brooks

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