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New member
Apr 13, 2012
I followed your YouTube video "Gold Refining Tutorial Part 3". Everything worked out great until I got to the part of adding the SMB. I added it and there is no settling of gold. I was told I can use "Stump Out" for the SMB. Is this correct? I'm trying to figure out what is going wrong and what I can do to get the gold to settle.
I used the AR solution and filtered it. It was a very dark green color but clear.
Not enough information I'm afraid.
Who's video we have many members on the forum.
What exactly did you dissolve or try to?
How much material was involved?
We need a full a - z of exactly what you have done to try to help but i'd suggest reading C.M.Hoke to start with and the safety section here on the forum. Refining isn't just a case of grab a few bits of what looks like gold bung it in a beaker dissolve it add the magic powder and hey presto fine gold and if you read Hoke you will find out why, it's available as a free download of many name,beers signature lines.
If you used AR and you followed procedure
You probly still have free nitric in the solution
that needs to be removed before the smb can react
With the gold instead of reacting with the nitric

Im new at this so I wont try to explain how to heat
The solution or the procedure of adding sulfuric acid
As I would probley be wrong

The better way is to cover gold with hcl and add small
Amounts of nitric while stiring the solution unill you
see no more gold

An even better way is hcl/bleach
Of course this all depends on how you eliminated your
Base metals
rkk said:
I used the AR solution and filtered it. It was a very dark green color but clear.
Uh huh!
So then, you used AR. Was that on a front left fender from a '59 Buick? Of was the material some form of gold waste?

Do you not understand that you are the only person that knows what you've done--and that without you providing details that will help others understand that, you aren't going to get a meaningful answer?

If you want help, detail what you've done, and how you did it. You are, otherwise, wasting your time, as well as the time of those who can help you. We are not mind readers.
Do not leave out details. The very thing you consider to be not important can be the very thing that changes the answer to your questions.

Mean time, I saw no reference to you having tested your solution. Have you? Do you *know* that you have gold in solution?

I also have no idea if you addressed base metals, or not. Did you? If not, why not? Do you understand that recovering gold with AR is fraught with problems, that it should not be considered a recovery process in all but a few rare cases?

Have you read Hoke's book?

I agree with Harold, no one here is a mind reader. But please do not take any of the members words as mean or insulting. They really do want to help you, and you would be very fortunate to have Harold to point you in the right direction. There are many super intelligent members of this forum and Harold is amoung the best of them!

With that said, I only have one piece of info that may be helpfull to your situation.

Did you get an MSDS for your stump out? The store where you purchased it should have them on file. The reason I ask is, depending on the manufacturer (brand) it may not be sodiummetabisolfite, it could be something like sodium nitrate. And all that would do is put more free nitrates in your " brew".

That's my 2 cents. I'm still very new at this, so don't take my word for gospel, but I'm sure if I am incorrect another member will set me straight.

Be safe, be smart, and have fun!
I remains just guessing and he is not even answering back. But for those who find this thread lateron: I have just begun to learn the refining with HCl/Cl and my biggets problem as beginner at this very point of the process, is getting the other metals out and offering gold-only solids to the solution. Sometimes I just fail to remove some of the many metals involved in IT scrap, the disolving stops or the drop-out fails.
If you are dealing with e-scrap each batch is different and you have to consider so many disturbing metals such as zinc, iron, silver aso. Not to forget salts, may it be nitrits or chlorids, that sometimes just hide when you are washing, then reappear in the next step.
Just want to tell everybody who is also working to learn this refining step how important it is, to remove all base metals and have your gold really,really pure before you start to leach it. Otherwise you create a mess. Follow the washing procedures, test the solutions for gold with stannous everywhere, where there is one and you are able to track the problem.
Otherwise it will be just guessing.
And making your own stannous is really easy. I bought teh solderwire with 97% SN and 3% copper at my local hardware store for 10 € , it works great, it´s a wonderful tool and the solderwire will last a lifetime for me. I found the tip here in this forum to search for solderwire that plumbers use. It is available everywhere in this world, because it just a everyday article, no need to talk about HCl. So what are you waiting for? It will make your day, when you dip in the Q-tip and BANG it goes purple, then you know, you are on the right track.
And if not, you know you will have to search your gold most likely elsewhere. I found it lately on the bottom of a beaker, after testing the solution, that I decanted, 3 times and each time got a negative result. :? scratching my head where the gold was...
And one more advice for first tries: Don´t use too much of your material at once, you will make mistakes and the loss wont hurt so much while learning. The drop of 1g is visible, if it is much less than 0.5 g and you have a large vessel, you may oversee it.
And another advice: Try to make homgenous batches if you are new to this. Dont mix too much stuff from CPU to foils from PCI Cards and pins and so on. One of the batch may have a difficult ingridient, later you will not be able to tell where the problem came from. Just my newbee advice... Now corect me where I am wrong :))

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