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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2010
I boiled 5oz of monolithic capacitors in hcl for 2 hours.Poured of the blue liquid and boiled again til almost clear.I added AR and it started bubbleing and the solution turned green yellow like anti freeze .It has about a inch of white powder on bottom that i presume to be Agcl .Whats up with the color .Shouldn't it be like a brown color due to the palladium in it .The monolithic capacitors cam off some old VRM's .Any help would be apperciated deeply.Hey and i already got a half Gram of red powder
What does your stannous chloride and DMG tests show?

Yellow green sounds like nickel. DMG will test for Pd and nickel, details are given elsewhere on the forum.

No guarantees on monolithics' yields unless you have a part number and the data sheet, or you test a small run of the same kind before jumping into a large batch.

Do you have any fine gray or black flecks in the white powder in the bottom?

Did you actually boiled your solution?
It is recommended to introduce heat in some processes but not to actually boil acidic solutions.
It has about a inch of white powder on bottom that i presume to be Agcl

The make up of most of the white powder is barium titanate Tinanium dioxide and Barium oxide, only small percentage of that powder is probably silver chloride.

Although i never tried it before, my logic tells me that, theoretically, you can take a sample of the powder, wash it well with water and add Ammonium Hydroxide to dissolve any AgCl and precipitate elemental silver with corn syrup and ph adjustment with nitric acid.... or maybe i got it all wrong....
I do not know how TiO2 will react to ammonium hydroxide, i do know it forms a gooey mess with NaOH though..

Lou, Harold_v, GSP would love to hear your thoughts on that one.
I washed the remainder clean and added nitric hopeing to see a brown liquid but no such luck.I guess as Steve pointed out that they was probabaly the newer mono's and i just figured they where the older Pd type.Live and learn i guess
brjook said:
I washed the remainder clean and added nitric hopeing to see a brown liquid but no such luck.I guess as Steve pointed out that they was probabaly the newer mono's and i just figured they where the older Pd type.Live and learn i guess

Do you test with stannous chloride ?
samuel-a said:
brjook said:
I washed the remainder clean and added nitric hopeing to see a brown liquid but no such luck.I guess as Steve pointed out that they was probabaly the newer mono's and i just figured they where the older Pd type.Live and learn i guess

Do you test with stannous chloride ?


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