If you are unsure about what the material may be worth,then do some quick research. Below I have circled 2 things in RED that you need to take into consideration when purchasing material,when you do not know exactly where it came from.Always look for dates,maufacturers,and country of origin.In this case the manufacturer is a company I am not familiar with,so then you look for a date,and country.All of the chips on any board are going to be close in dates,in this case the date code is 9116 (16th week of 1991).So you know the board was made in the very early 90's,which is good as far as age,however it was manufactured in china,and they use probably the least amount of PM's of anyone.There is something else you need to look at as well.There are several items, that I circled in WHITE,that you need to be paying attention to.In most cases,all of these items are gold plated,yet none of them appear to be plated in the picture.So something happened here....either they were never plated,or they were stripped with a leach like thio,or iodine,or something that targets gold.Either way,ALL of these signs I have shown you,are things that you need to pay attention to when looking at boards to purchase.And don't forget,in that batch of boards,were also A/V and power supply boards,which are virtually worthless in the way of PM's.
If there was a profit to be made from these,I doubt it would be high enough to justify me processing them myself,but that is just my oppinion.