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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2008
Lakeland, Florida, USA
Both advertise 98 percent. I am leery about sending my button off and never seeing it again. Even if I do sent it insured through Post office or fed ex, who's to say I ever see my return? How about it Lou, Laser steve, noxx, and harold. Where to the big guys cash out their booty.

Im sure my buttons would be small in comparison to you guys. Def 1oz and under at a time.

Thanks again forum Everyone here is awesome!
If your main concern is being paid and being paid fairly I would suggest you sell to one of the members you just listed. The people you just listed have integrity beyond question in my mind. They may pay less than 98% for small quantities, but you can be sure that you will be paid accurately for what you have sent them.

I have several clients that sell to me that I have actually told straight out that they could get a higher percentage elsewhere. Their response to me was first to thank me for that simple statement. Then they went on to tell me that they always get a better return from me than their previous buyers despite me paying a lower “advertized” percentage. The only conclusion I can draw from that is that their previous buyer was dishonest.

No one with any sense buys without a good trusted assay or re-refining it themselves. In small quantities it is usually the later. It is truly a question of what your priorities are. Generally with quantities less than 10 ounces troy you are best sticking with someone you trust more than a payout percentage. If you have larger quantities then assays become more cost effective or you can build a relationship with a higher payout refinery bit by bit.

The very same places I sell to may well choose to rip you off, with me however it is more difficult as there is a history of transactions that proves my consistent purity. In other words they are aware that I know just what it is I have sent them and its fine gold content.

I have always liked GSP's statement “the refiner is the last liar”. Once a refinery receives your material and digests it there is no recourse to argue their yield results unless you are selling large enough quantities to justify an assay or pin sample before shipment. Even then some will reject your assay or pin sample.
Oz said:
I have always liked GSP's statement “the refiner is the last liar”.
I couldn't agree more.I was fortunate enough to find a local buyer that I have been dealing with for some time now.He owns a local pawn shop and a heck of a nice guy.I have alway guaranteed him 22k on anything I bring(that covers my butt) and he pays 82% cash right then and there.He doesn't bother testing it,he just weighs it and pulls the money out of his wallet.No receipt,no questions,and he gives me all of his plated and filled jewelry for 10% more.
I have always been cautious about sending anything to anyone I do not know,that may take advantage of me.If I can watch the entire proceedure then maybe I would do it,however,as I recently found out with one company,I would be taken advantage of whether I was there or not! http://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=5552&p=77039#p77039

If you'll sell me your gold at 83% of spot, I'll videotape the whole process and stream it live to you!

I do buy gold, but I pay 95% of spot. If your stuff comes in with a pipe, I'll pay that day.

Lou said:

If you'll sell me your gold at 83% of spot, I'll videotape the whole process and stream it live to you!

I do buy gold, but I pay 95% of spot. If your stuff comes in with a pipe, I'll pay that day.


Does a pipe really have total relevence? Most of mine do not have a pipe and 90% of them come in at .99+.
Lou said:
I do buy gold, but I pay 95% of spot.
Thanks to my best friend,I sold a little over 27 grams the other day.Unfortunately I only got 90%.
Lou said:
I'll pay that day.
By the way,you do not have to sell yourself to me lou.I assure you,I know more about you than you think I do.You are one of the few people I would trust to sell my gold to.
We needed money right away so I contacted a gentleman from out of town that drove up the same day and bought it.Hopefully I'll have about an ounce to sell by monday.Maybe we can work something out.
I just meant that tongue-in-cheek: I'd do back flips to buy large quantities of relatively pure gold at 83% of spot!

Thanks for the vote of confidence!

Barren Realms 007 said:
Does a pipe really have total relevence? Most of mine do not have a pipe and 90% of them come in at .99+.
In my opinion, yes, it does. It takes very little to limit gold's ability to pull a pipe---and the deeper, the better. Note that you most likely will never achieve a pipe if your gold has a frosty surface upon cooling.

Do realize that 99+ is not even market standard. It would require re-refining in any case.

Harold_V said:
It takes very little to limit gold's ability to pull a pipe---and the deeper, the better. Note that you most likely will never achieve a pipe if your gold has a frosty surface upon cooling.
I was unaware of that harold.You know how long I have been processing yet,I have remelted gold several times simple to remove the pipe.I will know better next time.
The pipe that forms naturally can be eliminated by controlled cooling, but a wise refiner assures it remains, especially when dealing with an informed buyer. A pipe, above everything else, is an excellent visual indicator that one's gold is pure. You can fake the surface, freeing it of oxides by a sprinkling of borax after the button has solidified (and still red hot), or by a prolonged boil in sulfuric acid, but a pipe forms ONLY when there is virtually no contamination present.

Harold_V said:
Barren Realms 007 said:
Does a pipe really have total relevence? Most of mine do not have a pipe and 90% of them come in at .99+.
In my opinion, yes, it does. It takes very little to limit gold's ability to pull a pipe---and the deeper, the better. Note that you most likely will never achieve a pipe if your gold has a frosty surface upon cooling.

Do realize that 99+ is not even market standard. It would require re-refining in any case.


So it would need to be above 999 to form the proper pipe then is that correct. Would it still have problems at 996? I usually try to get a smooth top because I like the look but I understand the reasoning behind it.

Thank you sir.
I am of the opinion that what contaminates gold is more important than the percentage. For example, according to Hoke, even traces of lead will destroy its properties, whereas it readily alloys with silver and/or copper and retains respectable ductility. Were that not the case, gold leaf would not be possible unless it was of pure gold.

I also believe that oxides are far more damaging than are pure metals, so it's entirely possible that a wide array of things bring down the quality of gold, each of which likely manifest themselves in limiting its ability to form a respectable pipe.

To be perfectly clear, most folks likely don't like seeing the pipe---it disrupts their stereotypical idea of what an ingot should look like--but, as I said, to those that are informed, it's obvious that gold that has pulled a deep pipe has high purity. You can see that yourself when you examine the pipe---note the rich color that results from the light reflecting from side to side. You don't get that from dirty gold. It just isn't there.

I was obsessed with purity when I refined---it was for that reason I built a Wohwill cell (although I never put it to use) and went far out of my way to refine my product a second time. The reward, for me, was the resulting beautiful gold---although I must confess, I enjoyed the trust that developed between me and my customers, all of whom enjoyed the high quality.

Certainly top down cooling must contribute to producing a pipe.

If one wanted to promote the conditions that produce a pipe, pouring in a much hotter mold and keeping the torch off it should help.

The big ingot producing outfits that want to prevent a pipe run a gas burner on the top of the bar while it cools from the bottom up.
mic said:
Mine's prettier(Of course it was yours also) :mrgreen:


OOOHHHHHHHHHHhh you thief.... :twisted: