Why is it blue green? Pgm recovery from cat converter/mlccs.

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May 24, 2024
Hello, I’m currently trying to figure out why my solution (sample pic below) is a blue green cloudy color. The cat was a metal substrate cat from a 04 grand Cherokee. I figured while I was leeching it using the hcl - bleach method I’d try and leach the palladium out from some mlccs I collected as well. The solution has been sitting for about 24 hrs now and I think I may have added too much bleach. None the less I’m more so wondering why the solution is blue/green and why it hasn’t taken much of a red color that it would normally take


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Hello, I’m currently trying to figure out why my solution (sample pic below) is a blue green cloudy color. The cat was a metal substrate cat from a 04 grand Cherokee. I figured while I was leeching it using the hcl - bleach method I’d try and leach the palladium out from some mlccs I collected as well. The solution has been sitting for about 24 hrs now and I think I may have added too much bleach. None the less I’m more so wondering why the solution is blue/green and why it hasn’t taken much of a red color that it would normally take
Welcome to us.
You have started out in the wrong order here.
First of all dealing PGM salts are is very dangerous and toxic.
We never process mixed material like this, and how do you expect to dissolve values from a metal matrix without removing the base metals first?

Next The order of things is to study and then do, so now we will point you to some important study material:

We ask our new members to do 3 things.
1. Read C.M. Hokes book on refining jewelers scrap, it gives an easy introduction to the most important chemistry regarding refining.
It is free here on the forum: https://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=54&t=19798
2. Then read the safety section of the forum: https://goldrefiningforum.com/forums/safety.47/
3. And then read about "Dealing with waste" in the forum: https://goldrefiningforum.com/threads/dealing-with-waste.10539/

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