Cody's 15 minutes of fame.

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In Remembrance
Moderator Emeritus
Mar 30, 2007
Benton, Arkansas

He has a lot of charisma but he's not a very good refiner.
I worry that youtube is going to end up getting the better of him.

A guy he has done a couple cameo's with, king of random (who has been mentioned here a couple times for his furnace design) seems to have bitten off more than he can chew in his quest for countless subscribers..

He (king of random) was just recently arrested and charged with possession of explosive devices, a second degree felony in his state. (Or whatever its called in canadia) ...apparently the cops did not care when he said "its okay, I have a youtube channel" and still took him in,..

So i wonder if and how that will have any blowback for cody... Or for any other youtubers that do science and share...
Every time I get the bug to make a video to post, I stop and think for a moment and go, nah I don't want anyone to see this.
All my hobbies are a bit dodgey in some respects and they all have the same problem! These youtubers want the views because with that comes the cash, they show all the dodgey stuff you would usually keep quiet on camera to be 'edgy' and get more views. The police and law makers here are only just starting to catch on but when you're making money from doing illegal stuff AND shouting about it surely you have to expect a backlash!
Topher_osAUrus said:
I worry that youtube is going to end up getting the better of him.

A guy he has done a couple cameo's with, king of random (who has been mentioned here a couple times for his furnace design) seems to have bitten off more than he can chew in his quest for countless subscribers..

He (king of random) was just recently arrested and charged with possession of explosive devices, a second degree felony in his state. (Or whatever its called in canadia) ...apparently the cops did not care when he said "its okay, I have a youtube channel" and still took him in,..

So i wonder if and how that will have any blowback for cody... Or for any other youtubers that do science and share...
For more info of the charges towards king of random, I refeer to Youtube... :)

Yeah, youtube is...well, its something alright..

It should be a platform to share information in a way that removes the distance between teacher and pupil, but, instead it seems to have become a way for idiots to make money by getting 12 year olds to like their content.

I must admit, I was going to put up some refining videos on there at one time, but I decided that I would only be sticking my neck out and asking for problems. That, and, there isn't much at all I could add that the few good GRF members who are youtube providers have yet to cover in their channels. So, I only post up stuff to share with family (like kid's christmas recital), and friends who are interested in the same stuff as me -tearing down electronics, cheap electronic stuff from china, microcontroller programming, and similar.

I don't think I could ever get any money from youtube or its advertisers though, I swear too much... :oops:
I don't care much for the hyper youtubers that do more flash and show than they explain what they are doing. Almost all the king of random videos can be traced back to another users effort to show their progress in a home project and he makes a high quality video of the same thing with all the hype thrown in. Cody is just as bad with the hype/sensationalism. Doing things that involve risk is fine with me, (within reason) Just stop the yelling-blaring music-chest pounding and get on with it. I wouldn't call either of these guys channels Science.

While I like you tube, there is a lot of crap to wade through just to get one honest fact.
I would like to see a single channel that concentrated on using the equipment involved in the sciences. From beaker choices on up, teach some real stuff, from the ground up.
anachronism said:
Yeah. I'd be making sure I was fully licenced before putting youtube videos up there for all to see.

Exactly...I don't even like posting pictures.

Youtube is great for funny cat videos, but I don't have the patience to watch people refine. Nor do I care to be a youtube star. Now, if I could make my ducks youtube stars, I'd be pretty cool with that....cause they have class, composure and a great personality. Plus, they quack me up.
Shark said:
I would like to see a single channel that concentrated on using the equipment involved in the sciences. From beaker choices on up, teach some real stuff, from the ground up.

We could do this on here Shark. Then again a lot of people are happy to spend their money on other hobbies like a new gun or a shooting jacket whilst still expecting to get the good results from refining without investing properly in basic kit. There's no way people should still be trying to refine in coffee jars or suchlike. Proper glassware is ridiculously cheap now.

I agree, it could be done on here and would be my preferred choice. Following the advice of known people would be a great way to get started. I can understand using second choice equipment when beginning. But eventually it just isn't enough if you wish to progress with refining. I still use some non standard equipment, and will for a while, until I know how to use some and until I can afford others.

But I also feel it can't be left up to one person to do it. There are many here who are very capable of doing these type video's or instructions, but very few do it. While I think highly of this forum, many are stuck in the professional mode and forget that some of us are beginners, often with very little or no real background in chemistry/science. And more often than not we are left to find these type answers else where, be it another forum, YouTube or from the local school teacher, (Yes, I have done that). Sometimes it feels like there is only half the information passed on, just enough is given to keep using the "make do" equipment.

Off the soap box and back into the basement.
I think part of the difficulty is generating a list that works for everything.

I started with lab glass, and I can't believe how much my preferences have changed.

Most of all I think people should concentrate on filtration. Proper buchners, vacuum flasks and filter papers. Right now I use the following regularly:

Multiple 1 L filtration flasks with 65 mm buchner

4 L filtration flask with 150 mm buchners

Frankly I feel my filters are too small. I'd rather have a 12" filter on the 4 L and the 6" filter on the 1 L.

Leach containers are 1 L beakers for e scrap, though I think it should be a 4 L heavy-wall. I broke my only 2 L :-(

For secondary refining of sponge and filter paper I use a 250 mL beaker.

Watchglasses to fit everything.

Cheap thermometers...I've got a bunch.

I've got a lot of other glassware, but it doesn't get used much. Lately I've been doing gold cap chips.

When I'm doing silver digestions I want it in an erlenmeyer. I have closed reactors but haven't started using them. It's easier to seal it up for fume capturing and gives you more reflux surface area.

Right now I need to get my small glassware set up for assays. I haven't decided what will be best there.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
anachronism said:
Shark said:
I would like to see a single channel that concentrated on using the equipment involved in the sciences. From beaker choices on up, teach some real stuff, from the ground up.

We could do this on here Shark. Then again a lot of people are happy to spend their money on other hobbies like a new gun or a shooting jacket whilst still expecting to get the good results from refining without investing properly in basic kit. There's no way people should still be trying to refine in coffee jars or suchlike. Proper glassware is ridiculously cheap now.

Still a bit lost here. Is this an offer, or was is it just another "poking stick" to see how much can be stirred up?
My first gram of gold and my business was launched from a Mason jar on a sand bath!
Things were funner then! :cry:
It's a genuine observation Shark, and it's based in fact.

If you take many of the people who want to get into refining as a hobby, then it should be done like any other hobby i.e. Properly.

You don't buy a beat up unserviced, or worn out gun to go shooting because it's dangerous to do so. You pay a few bucks more and get a safe one. The same logic applies to the gear you use to refine with. It literally IS just a few bucks more especially with the advent of fleabay and the lowered costs of glass and other items you would need. So what I'm saying is that the same thought process should be applied to this hobby.

There's an adage we use in the UK and I don't know if you use it over there but it goes along the lines of buy cheap buy twice. It goes hand in hand with others like "buy once cry once" and buying the best you can genuinely afford.

Telling the truth isn't a way to wind people up Shark, and history has proven time and time again that the debates that might initially appear (to some) to be combative or somewhat contentious are the ones that instill both positive change and progress. Ask any guy who just lost his first gramme of gold to a spill or a breakage if he would rather have spent a couple of extra dollars and avoided it and I bet you'll not hear him say no. 8) 8)

I started with dirt cheap second hand lab glass and all kinds of halfway house kit BUT I never skimped on the type of glass and that's because it literally was a few bucks difference to have the right thing. Back in the day that probably wasn't an option but now it is and that's what we should consider.

I am thinking, at this point, that you feel I am still using a lot of make do glassware. I still use only a very a little standard glassware these days. Primarily when working on very abrasive materials, even then mainly for recovery. Some time back I posted a quick picture or two of some recent glassware I had just bought. Even further back I posted up some odds and ends glassware I had received as a gift. Sorry, the recent stuff I haven't posted as I felt it wasn't a concern. I still use the hotplate from coffee makers (I am bad to call them coffee pots) a good bit, they are convenient especially when concerned with over heating, and no worry when they die.

But that isn't even along the lines of my thinking, I was thinking about how to use much of the more advanced stuff. But starting with some good basics, even as simple as when to choose a tall form beaker over a low form, thick wall versus thin... so on and so forth. Having the best is only useful when you know what it is and how to use it. Would the forum, or even an individual member, prefer to teach us from their known methods or leave the beginner to have to look elsewhere? Isn't that often the complaint from the some of the older members when new people come on the forum needing help to fix a mess that someone else led them into?

As for my guns, I do take pride in taking the least likely looking and making them shoot like a high dollar piece. That "gotta have the best" crowd sure puckers up when they have to pay up. :lol: With that said, I do like a few "top shelf" pieces.
I don't think "you" do anything like that Shark - I was referring to others. With regards to the gun I was making the differential between an unloved knackered gun over one that's been looked after, not a brand new one over a second hand one.
I LOVE Cody`s videos, very entertaining, and he seems like a fun guy :)

of course it goes without saying that serious learning should not come from youtube - mostly it is just for inspiration and entertainment...

I know that above sentiment has already been manifested here, but I read somewhere that Cody is a member here, so, Cody, if you are reading this thread:

Thank you for the videos man! I love them, keep em` coming!

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