Gold fingers, high grade eproms and ceramice cpus for sale

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If you are selling try to get exact weight and picture always help. There are quite a lot of things we call gold fingers so it will be nice to see what exactly do you have for sale.
I have 8oz of eproms all the same. 2.7 pounds of gold fingers from vintage 80 boards . Only a pound of ceramics left. A 41gram bar of melted pins. N a 2.9 pound bag of quality boards


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Nice pile. Have you gave thought to letting anyone toll refine? I know a guy that's really good.
Tndavid said:
Nice pile. Have you gave thought to letting anyone toll refine? I know a guy that's really good.

Pshh. You better be talking about yourself! :lol:
Between silicon valley scrap and nasa scrap, I will probably be busy the next week or so. ...not to say I wouldn't love to do it! :mrgreen:
Topher_osAUrus said:
Tndavid said:
Nice pile. Have you gave thought to letting anyone toll refine? I know a guy that's really good.

Pshh. You better be talking about yourself! :lol:
Between silicon valley scrap and nasa scrap, I will probably be busy the next week or so. ...not to say I wouldn't love to do it! :mrgreen:
You know I'm just looking out for ya. Don't want you to get all stowed up. 8) Nice looking material tho.
Seriously though. The eproms and ceramic cpu's look to be in descent shape. Could possibly do well with collectors.
Tndavid said:
Seriously though. The eproms and ceramic cpu's look to be in descent shape. Could possibly do well with collectors.
Have you sold much to the collectors?

I've tried a few, probably ten total....only sold one.

I still have a few engineering samples from intel that I'll sell, but beyond that I think I'm just going to stick to the refining side...unless you've got secrets!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
snoman701 said:
Tndavid said:
Seriously though. The eproms and ceramic cpu's look to be in descent shape. Could possibly do well with collectors.
Have you sold much to the collectors?

I've tried a few, probably ten total....only sold one.

I still have a few engineering samples from intel that I'll sell, but beyond that I think I'm just going to stick to the refining side...unless you've got secrets!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
No buddy I haven't. But I know a lot of our senior guys on the board (and not referring to age) suggest that lots of times it's at least worth a try.
But I know a lot of our senior guys on the board (and not referring to age)


Senior indeed! A proud AAA member but not quite yet eligible for Medicare. 8)

glorycloud said:
But I know a lot of our senior guys on the board (and not referring to age)


Senior indeed! A proud AAA member but not quite yet eligible for Medicare. 8)

LOL. You know I didn't mean old guys. :lol: Maybe he has a couple cpus you need for your collection Jim.
snoman701 said:
Tndavid said:
Seriously though. The eproms and ceramic cpu's look to be in descent shape. Could possibly do well with collectors.
Have you sold much to the collectors?

I've tried a few, probably ten total....only sold one.

I still have a few engineering samples from intel that I'll sell, but beyond that I think I'm just going to stick to the refining side...unless you've got secrets!
Over the last year I sold over 700 CPU:s to collectors and retrogamers and I got close to $8000 for it. That represented about 20% of all the CPU:s I had when I started and it covered all expenses I had for getting the CPU:s in the beginning.
It takes some time and effort to begin selling but when you are started it seems to pick up momentum.

Part of the secret is to get enough knowledge to know what is coveted by collectors and how to price your goods. That's where research comes into the picture and you have to do some hard work before it starts to pay back.

But when you say "started"...are you talking about a long time collection of ceramic processors? Rare processors to find "on the street", etc?

I check all of the numbers on Ebay...if they don't show up on Ebay, I usually google search them to see how old they are and if there is a reasonably chance they are valueable.

Thus far, I have sold a few 486 motherboards, but chipwise, I've only sold a couple integrated circuits, maybe only 1.

You have a $100 average...mine is a $15 average. A $100 average would be worthwhile, a $15 average, not so much unless you have large volumes. That's why I ask....I mean, obviously your chips were desireable BEFORE you sold them, but did you have them because you basically collected them as being cream of the crop processors ahead of time, or did you just get them in in loads of other processors.
First, check your math, it's a bit over $10 average, not $100. The most I've got for a CPU is around $200, a rare version of a 386.
I haven't collected CPU:s myself, all of these came from a 83 kg lot I bought two years ago, over 3000 CPU:s. It took me a week just to sort them all, some CPU:s were covered in a thick layer of thermal grease. It was an average lot with all types of CPU:s found in a dumpster close to the home of that guy, he and his dad had collected electronic scrap for years while he was young and he had clipped the fingers off a lot of ram, the chips he threw in the garbage... The fingers gave him a nice one ounce button, you should have seen his face when I told him about the bond wires. :mrgreen:
Since they had a new baby at home he didn't want any chemicals at home any longer so I bought the CPU:s, 100 kg of mixed circuit boards and I also got a 5 liter jug with nitric acid.
Since then I have started to check for collectors value any time I get a new batch of scrap in. Even more modern CPU:s goes into the store since I have my infrastructure set up.

Some of the CPU:s isn't rare but could be the top of the line among it's generation. I sold 50 identical black fiber pentium MMX to a guy, he wanted to find the one he could overclock the most. :D

I rather sell to collectors than destroy a chip for a few mg of gold. Even if it is more work but it's also more pay and less waste.

Note to all bidders! I sold a processor to this person ( rparks3rd1018 ) a while back and never received my $10.00. We have went around and around about this but I have never received my money. Granted it is only ten bucks, but still it is a good reason to warn others about dealing with this guy. If he can't seem to remember to send me my $10.00 then will he deal with you fairly? Deal with this person at your own peril.
denim said:
Note to all bidders! I sold a processor to this person ( rparks3rd1018 ) a while back and never received my $10.00. We have went around and around about this but I have never received my money. Granted it is only ten bucks, but still it is a good reason to warn others about dealing with this guy. If he can't seem to remember to send me my $10.00 then will he deal with you fairly? Deal with this person at your own peril.
Denim, I want you to send me the details about this deal in a pm. Apparently it wasn't done on the forum as rparks3rd1018 only registered yesterday. Be as detailed as you can be, it will only be shared among the moderators.

Rparks3rd1018, I would like you too to send me a pm as well with your side of the story.

Please do not start a fight publicly here, I will discuss this with the other moderators after we have the details of the deal.

I will go back through my previous posts and send you links to them. He must have had a different rsparks3rd.... name before. I will also send you a detailed explanation as I remember it.

Thanks for paying attention to this.
denim said:
Note to all bidders! I sold a processor to this person ( rparks3rd1018 ) a while back and never received my $10.00. We have went around and around about this but I have never received my money. Granted it is only ten bucks, but still it is a good reason to warn others about dealing with this guy. If he can't seem to remember to send me my $10.00 then will he deal with you fairly? Deal with this person at your own peril.

I need to apologize to rparks3rd1018. A few years ago when we communicated in a PM I listed the incorrect Paypal address. I put .com instead of .net at the end of my Paypal account name. My fault entirely! This obviously went completely unnoticed and I blamed you, rparks3rd. How could you pay me with the incorrect information? Please accept my gracious apology, and consider your debt paid. I hope you are doing well.

I'm happy to see that the situation solved itself and we can put this behind us. I'm sure rparks3rd1018 will be surprised to see this both blow up and go away next time he logs in. :)

Before doing business with someone you should do due diligence and to simplify that I'm including a few links to older threads...

rparks3rd1018 was using the account rparks3rd a couple of years ago.

This is an earlier discussion about him. I just browsed that thread but it seems like most of the deals went through without any problems.

Here is a post where rparks3rd says he sent the payment.

This post is not to claim any innocence or guilt of any party in that deal, it is just here to make it easier for anyone thinking of making a deal with rparks3rd1018 to see his earlier history on this board.


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