I'm looking for a PDF to create GPT

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2023
İzmir - Turkei
Hello Refinery Forum Community,

In the process of creating my own artificial intelligence, I have chosen "The Hoke Book" as my starting point. This book is a fundamental resource for my work in this field. However, I am facing a problem: there is a limitation on the number of PDFs containing essential information for creating a GPT model. Specifically, I am in need of articles related to the purification of platinum group metals. I have reviewed messages previously shared in this forum, but I was unable to find detailed information in the format of notes with an introduction, development, and conclusion. Therefore, I am seeking help from the experienced members of this forum. If you have any resources or suggestions on this topic, your sharing would be immensely valuable to me. I appreciate your help in advance.

Regards J
I do not know what format an article needs to be in for AI to make sense of it. If it needs to be PDF format that is the easy part but if it also needs to be structured with an introduction, development, and a conclusion you will not find much here.

This forum is structured in more of a question and answer learning give and take, with questions asked and members answering and the conversation evolving from there. That said it leaves the reader to mentally sort out what input is valid and what input is totally off base. Is AI up to the task of performing that mental sort we have to do to come to a meaningful conclusion here?
Is AI up to the task of performing that mental sort we have to do to come to a meaningful conclusion here?
I fear this forum will be left to interpret the answers given or when the AI instructions are follwed, how to fix the unforeseen problems.
It's like a new member spewing out bad advice he repeats from facebook and other poor sources without a good knowledge filter as we have.
It all comes back to the GRF.

That makes the development of such an app a big responsibility and risky and I advise the OP to get some legal consult on writing a good disclaimer before going public..
You don't want to hurt anyone.
Make a reference to the hazards involved with the subject. It can get quite complex to put something reliable together.

Easy quick answers only lead to huge messes and high risks for the inexperienced individual trying to do it.

Who are you writing it for? Target group? Consider their gold fever newbie state of mind and that they have just seen a bunch of poor you tube video's.

My 2 cents.

I do not know what format an article needs to be in for AI to make sense of it. If it needs to be PDF format that is the easy part but if it also needs to be structured with an introduction, development, and a conclusion you will not find much here.

This forum is structured in more of a question and answer learning give and take, with questions asked and members answering and the conversation evolving from there. That said it leaves the reader to mentally sort out what input is valid and what input is totally off base. Is AI up to the task of performing that mental sort we have to do to come to a meaningful conclusion here?
This forum is primarily structured around questions and answers, mutual learning, the questions asked, the answers given by members, and the conversations that develop from there. However, I remember, it's familiar to me. There are even senior members who occasionally sell paid booklets. My main goal is to obtain step-by-step PDF documents compiled and gathered about the refinery of platinum group metals, for the creation of this narrow platform called 'GPT'. I have partially read these documents before, but I partially need data to create my artificial intelligence. I'm not in a hurry, I will continue my work during this time frame. If someone shares something under this topic about the refining of PGM group metals, I would be very happy. I will read all of them thoroughly and keep them handy for beneficial use
I fear this forum will be left to interpret the answers given or when the AI instructions are follwed, how to fix the unforeseen problems.
It's like a new member spewing out bad advice he repeats from facebook and other poor sources without a good knowledge filter as we have.
It all comes back to the GRF.

That makes the development of such an app a big responsibility and risky and I advise the OP to get some legal consult on writing a good disclaimer before going public..
You don't want to hurt anyone.
Make a reference to the hazards involved with the subject. It can get quite complex to put something reliable together.

Easy quick answers only lead to huge messes and high risks for the inexperienced individual trying to do it.

Who are you writing it for? Target group? Consider their gold fever newbie state of mind and that they have just seen a bunch of poor you tube video's.

My 2 cents.

Hello Martin,

I fully understand your concern. On social media, there are many individuals sharing information about the refining of gold or other precious metals; yes, I come across this from time to time. There are even groups trying to spread bad examples and incorrect practices, of which I am aware. My primary intention in visiting your forum and scanning your information is this: There are many refining methods available; the important thing is to achieve a successful process by minimizing harm to the environment and not endangering people. I hope I have managed to express myself succinctly in this manner. Regards and best wishes

And when it is all done, how much will you charge for this information?
I won't be asking for money, as it's said that there are no platinum group metals in my country. According to the literature, the likelihood of finding platinum compared to gold is said to be more difficult:))
From my brief exposure to AI, I noticed they do not reference their sources of information. Does this leave AI free to utilize copyrighted information in chat? If so, why not go to. the scientific literature directly?
From my brief exposure to AI, I noticed they do not reference their sources of information. Does this leave AI free to utilize copyrighted information in chat? If so, why not go to. the scientific literature directly?
Because sometimes artificial intelligence gives false answers, to prevent this, I need a knowledge tree designed to train the current AI. This would be done by initially presenting an AI that I have trained as an example and giving commands like 'answer me considering these pieces of information' from this point onwards
From the experience I have gained both teaching refining, and moderating here, I can honestly say I have seen the entire spectrum of comprehension in my career. And a product like AI, when it is giving instructions to an audience it knows nothing about, and it is gathering its source material from sources it knows little about, will undoubtedly get people hurt.

Unlike a forum where the give and take between members often results in advice like "chill for a while and read about the process". Just looking up a topic, especially a potentially dangerous topic, and following the results blindly will get the uninformed hurt. If you read any AI generated text about anything potentially harmful you will notice the last paragraph is written by a legal staff because AI needs to practice CYA, just in case!

For any non American or non English speakers out there reading this, CYA means to cover your ass. These days almost everything in the US can get you sued so it is standard practice over here to CYA!
As I see it, and this is only my observation, AI (have played around with Chat GPT) is taking the fast route for giving any particular answer to a give question. This leads often to dangerous situations since those inexperienced always want quick results no matter what, and they jump head first in any given misleading information, be youtube or anywhere else (cause they are lazy to verify other sources for accuracy).
Refining and chemistry can be called everything except being a fast route to success.
I wish you success in your endeavor, but as @Martijn has said before, seek legal consult in this matter before releasing anything out of your hands.

From my brief exposure to AI, I noticed they do not reference their sources of information. Does this leave AI free to utilize copyrighted information in chat? If so, why not go to. the scientific literature directly?
Well, people want simple short answers to their simple questions...😉

Uneducated persons can not know how to ask the right question until they have some level of knowledge on the subject.

There are very few simple questions in this field. Lots of exceptions to the 'rules'

The only solution is self study. I.m.o.

Because sometimes artificial intelligence gives false answers, to prevent this, I need a knowledge tree designed to train the current AI. This would be done by initially presenting an AI that I have trained as an example and giving commands like 'answer me considering these pieces of information' from this point onwards

And i'm curious if you are not charging for the app (because no pgm's are found near you?), which audience is it for? What do you want to accomplish with this service? For who?
Hello Refinery Forum Community,

In the process of creating my own artificial intelligence, I have chosen "The Hoke Book" as my starting point. This book is a fundamental resource for my work in this field. However, I am facing a problem: there is a limitation on the number of PDFs containing essential information for creating a GPT model. Specifically, I am in need of articles related to the purification of platinum group metals. I have reviewed messages previously shared in this forum, but I was unable to find detailed information in the format of notes with an introduction, development, and conclusion. Therefore, I am seeking help from the experienced members of this forum. If you have any resources or suggestions on this topic, your sharing would be immensely valuable to me. I appreciate your help in advance.

Why is it so difficult for people to understand that ChatGPT is simply a generator of plausible text on a giant text database?

It does NOT have mechanisms for logical inference and evaluations based on facts, and cannot have it in principle.
Such systems are always of the inductive type since they make generalizations based on the amount of existing data, but no such system can generate DEDUCTIVE conclusions (as a person does when thinking and constructing cause-and-effect relationships), and will not be able to do so at all.

Simply put, ChatGPT text flow is BELIEVABLE, but only as long as the knowledge base that trained it is also BELIEVABLE.

The data in ChatGPT are not directly related to either facts or their relationships. Therefore, as soon as errors appear in the database (and the Internet now is 90% meaningless nonsense in the field of sciences), chatGPT begins to generate nonsense that is difficult to verify.
This is not artificial intelligence. It is just a complex toy.

As long as you do not generate a text flow based on a STRICT expert database in the field of each science (and this still needs to be done - now it is an impossible problem for AI), all attempts to train the text generator on any books just will lead to the receipt of new unverifiable text conclusions from texts of these books.
Because sometimes artificial intelligence gives false answers, to prevent this, I need a knowledge tree designed to train the current AI.

This “knowledge tree” (in your words) is correctly called an “expert system” and you will most likely be very surprised at how complex it can be. Do you know LISP or any other functional programming language for formalizing the subject area of inorganic chemistry?
AI is is just overhyped search engine. If you spend some time with it you will notice that most of what it will offer will be generic answers.
So far I have not tried any of those AI systems.
But if my understanding is correct, I feel it may be excellent as a search engine for sorting out results that can have use.
As it may remove all these useless non conforming ads and trash from your search results.
I might be wrong though
I have read all your messages and thank you for your attention. I am aware that artificial intelligence can sometimes make mistakes in inconsistent topics. However, there is a criterion in chemistry, in my opinion: In chemistry, 1+1 does not always equal 2. Even though I want to create our own GPT, this is quite a challenging task. I occasionally encounter errors and can produce incorrect results, especially in solving mathematical and chemical problems. So far, I have achieved about 60% success in this regard. That's why I need PDFs related to refineries and wanted to brainstorm in this forum. Because there is a data limitation in creating my own GPT with GPT-4, and it's not possible to upload endless PDFs, there is a limitation. That's why I was particularly focused on platinum group metals. I thank everyone and wish all members plentiful hugs and good hunts for noble metals. Regards.
Well, people want simple short answers to their simple questions...😉

Uneducated persons can not know how to ask the right question until they have some level of knowledge on the subject.

There are very few simple questions in this field. Lots of exceptions to the 'rules'

The only solution is self study. I.m.o.

And i'm curious if you are not charging for the app (because no pgm's are found near you?), which audience is it for? What do you want to accomplish with this service? For who?
Hello Martin,

According to 'Maden Teknik Kurumu,' a formal institution in Turkei, it is stated that platinum group metals are not officially found in our country. However, I suspect that these metals exist in nickel deposits, based on my experience with a friend who is involved in mining. This belief is supported by the analysis I conducted on a sample of mining slag residue I obtained from him. My reports indicate that the six platinum group metals are present in certain amounts in the slag residue. Therefore, it seems that platinum group metals do exist in the Republic of Turkei. Although the literature states that these metals are not found in Turkei, considering the geological history, we can assume that Turkei was underwater millions of years ago and has recently dried up to become land. Based on my theory, this land, which was once submerged, may contain all minerals and valuable metals
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