No precipitation

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May 7, 2013
Hello to the forum members,
That my first post and I experience disappointment at beginning.
I start the process 60 hours ago following Gold recovery process from Ceramic CPU's - Part 1&2 (which filmed in my country) as described in the photos and no precipitation. :cry:
I believed that this question asked in the past but I will be hard to find on 55 pages of this thread.
The follows can be the cause to match sulfuric acid, Nitric acid?
Sodium Meta bi sulfite added at the beginning 3 flat teaspoon for the 400 grams cpu's, the following day four more.

My knowledge in Chemistry is very basic minus,
Help needed to cross the bridge and get rid from the solution.


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ori said:
Hello to the forum members,
That my first post and I experience disappointment at beginning.
I start the process 60 hours ago following Gold recovery process from Ceramic CPU's - Part 1&2 (which filmed in my country) as described in the photos and no precipitation. :cry:
I believed that this question asked in the past but I will be hard to find on 55 pages of this thread.
The follows can be the cause to match sulfuric acid, nitrogen acid?
Sodium Meta bi sulfite added at the beginning 3 flat teaspoon for the 400 grams cpu's, the following day four more.

My knowledge in Chemistry is very basic minus,
Help needed to cross the bridge and get rid from the solution.

HI Ori , you need to give more information , Please answer my questions
what Acid did you use to make AR ,
how much of each acid did you use
and how strong are the acids

Did you let any of the liquid evaporate ?

what Film do you mean please give link

While your reading Hokes - Refining Precious Metals Wastes. I suggest you cement everything down with a copper buss bar. Butcher suggests a heavy copper buss bar from an electrical service or a piece of copper pipe hammered flat.

Once you have read Hoke's book a free download from this forum,you'll be able to start your project over with a better understanding of what your doing and what to expect.
Squarecoinman thanks,
The videos from:
70% Hcl 32% + 30% Nitric acid 72% (300ml + 120ml).
Then added more 120ml Nitric acid probably the first mistake.
The second mistake could be add too much sulfuric acid 96% in probably 50ml
I can read Hebrew try it on the coca cola bottle on the video.
Now is night time here I will try tomorrow I download the pdf book and try to sleep on it.
But still waiting to shortcut from you,
ori said:
Squarecoinman thanks,
The videos from:
70% Hcl 32% + 30% Nitric acid 72% (300ml + 120ml).
Then added more 120ml Nitric acid probably the first mistake.
The second mistake could be add too much sulfuric acid 96% in probably 50ml

Hi Ori the Hoke book is in my signature line , download it read it and take your time

You have way to much nitric in your solution and you should let that Evaporate , ( read Hoke )
I have no idea why you put in the sulfuric acid , But it does tell me that you do not have very much experience
So here is what you do ,
1 keep the liquid you have ( there is gold in it ) store it safe
2 read Hoke and take the guided tour on the forum
3 Find a post by lazersteve he has all the links you need in his signature line

then when you have read and understood hoke , you can easy solve your problem
last but not least the acids you work with are dangerous , please also read and follow the advice in the safety section

I quote from the article" Stir the solution and ice cubes well with a glass stirring rod and slowly add 10-15 ml of concentrated Sulfuric acid. Do remember, concentrated Sulfuric acid reacts very vigorously upon contact with water, so any addition should be done slowly and by the drop."
It's probably unlike to make pancake :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sam the man who made the video is a member of the forum, Sam knows what he is talking about, I am not sure of the video you used, but I am sure there are no problems with it, but if we try things from watching a video we can have trouble, because we may not know the reason for certain things, and like you did, we may think a little more of something like nitric acid would not hurt, if a little does good maybe more will do better, this is not true, more is bad, and we may not see anything happen, and get impatient and add more, or we can miss some small step, or not do it not thinking it is necessary, basically it is hard to have success following instructions without having an good understanding of how and why things are done in certain ways.

My guess is just like others here who have been trying to help you, is you used too much nitric acid, and the gold cannot change back to a brown gold metal powder, you have a couple of choices of how you can recover your gold from solution.

The guys have already told you how, either cement the gold out of solution with copper, or do the evaporation process taught in Hokes book, (a little added gold to the evaporation process can help use up free HNO3).

Since you already added SMB (and probably too much), I think I would go with using copper to cement out the gold.

The reason for adding a few drops of sulfuric acid can be for two reasons, to get lead to precipitate out of solution as lead sulfate, and also a few drops of sulfuric will keep gold from forming crystals in the evaporation process so easy, if you make a mistake and evaporated it too far.

In Hokes, and on the forum you will learn to use stannous chloride to tell if gold is in solution (but the test will not work if free nitric acid is in solution, this test is your eyes to see the dissolved gold with, it is very sensitive for gold, and works very well when used properly, without this test you are blind, and just guessing where gold is, gold is too hard to get, and too much money to guess about...

In the safety section read dealing with waste, this will show you how to treat your toxic waste so that it will not get into peoples drinking water and poison them.

Hokes book will teach you all of the general principles, and you will learn techniques and processes on the forum, and how to process most electronic scrap from start to a melted gold button.

There are many small details you will learn, these little details are important, and can be the difference between a mess or success, small details like adding only the amount of nitric needed.

So if you really want to learn I suggest a lot of study before trying the chemistry part, this way you learn how and why and can get gold without loosing it in a big mess, although this is chemistry, and we often talk chemistry, you can learn it without understanding chemistry, but when you learn it you will be doing the chemistry, so learning how to talk with chemical formulas is helpful but not necessary.

Hope this helps welcome to the gold refining forum.
Butcher thanks for yours detailed article.
Its morning time and I was pressed last night, jump to the forum without the normal polite word to new member.
Before I went to the process I read some information on the internet also try to connect Sam when I notice on YouTube the Hebrew. Now I realise to read C. M. HOKE.
The reason for the more nitrate was that the solution become black and I couldn't see the processors melting so to be sure add (beginner). :mrgreen: :oops:
The reason that I didn’t get precipitate lead, Silver Chloride the too much Sulfuric acid as you say.
But last night I add a powder of remaining from the memory fingers experiment I did few month ago and 8cm of 1/2" air condition pipe flatted on anvil hope it will do . :?
For the stannous chloride I know and will try to get it.
Again and again Thanks a lot,Ori


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What I see from pictures and reading your posts:

1. You do have too much nitric as everyone else has noted. Maybe way too much for the amount CPUs you had.
2. You solution is not diluted with water 4:1
3. You did not let solution to settle, still have crap floating on top

240ml HNO3 enough to process about 240gr of pure gold, while the CPU bunch on the picture should produce about 100 times less.

Best solution out this situation is to move everything into 20L bucket.

1. Dilute your 1L solution with 4L of water and let it settle for at least 24-48 hours in cool place
2. Fill HDPE (plastic) bucket with 10L of water
3. Decant 5 liter solution into bucket, leaving any sediment behind
4. Put about 100 gram copper pipe inside the bucket for at least 48-72 hours and leave it outside, little brown fumes will be produced
5. Stir water with another piece of copper occasionally, 2-3 times a day
6. When there are no bubble appear (as per #4 after) and you can see solution is clear, slowly decant to another bucket filled with about 300 gram of iron
7. Spray the pipe from inside or outside, black sediment at the bottom of the bucket and sprayed from pipe is your about 2gr of gold
8. Wash sediment
9. Make AR from 5ml water, 10ml HCl and 2-3ml HNO3 (that is how much HNO3 you originally needed)
10. After sediment dissolves add about 200ml of water and then 3gr of SMB wait for 5min to 1 hours for the reaction
11. Let gold settle for 24 hours and proceed to cleaning

12. Return back to #6 you have bucket with iron
13. Let it sit for 3-5 days
14. Decant solution to another empty bucket (you will have copper sediment at the bottom)
15. Start adding NaOH 10-20 grams at a time, avoid foaming, until your pH is around 10
16. Discard the solution (salt water), iron will be sediment at the bottom of the bucket

If you do not follow through steps 12-16 you will may cause severe health issue to yourself, your kids and life around you.
Alentia' thanks for your details article.
But please forgive me I read it carefully and I will not go into all of it.
Here where I stand at 1:00pm I add the powder containing copper I believe and gold chips from RAM fingers recovery this is what you see floating and a copper bar as i say.
The solution become alive and sediment began of what I don’t know, now its 11:00 pm
The solution bubbling on the surface like Champagne with barely notice gas smells.
Any advice from now will be helpful, thanks to all Ori


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Under the sun outside temp 30c solution more but calm time 15:00 looks like sea algae around what that’s mean? :?:
No Prophet in his city looking for sam 0508980044


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Confession: I may childhood I use to throw stones at the railway station on bromine bottles in wooden boxes that left away and watch the orange cloud.
But now I know and I going to find it out because it was attempt in the company to recover gold :bromine is better then chlorine and I wonder if this issue appear here in the forum :?:
Solution loses 100ml by evaporating today and stand for 600ml continuing tomorrow to evaporate until farther instruction by any.
regards Ori
when you threw stones at those bromine bottles you could have made people sick who lived in that area breathing the air, and drinking the well water.

You seem to be doing both cementing with copper and evaporation, you do not do both, use only one or the other.

Those who throw stones are usually the ones who will be hurt most by the stone.
As I say its confession it was on the sixties and as a small child around 10 years old and didn’t realize what I doing.
But please instruct me where to go from here What you meant "cementing" sound like concrete mafia deal ? ( I like your sense)
O.K I did filtering the copper bar goes to Hollywood here is substance what it is? that my gold?


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butcher although you didn’t respond at the end please be know that I very appreciate your effort ,skill and patience for a green one

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