BUYING: platinum, palladium, rhodium

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Staff member
Nov 4, 2007
Rhodia Drive
Buying PGM concentrates, scrap, old bullion, jewelry etc.

Small lots (5 oz and below, mixed or pure):
88% or better, depending on lot size for platinum.
85% or better, depending on lot size for palladium.
83% or better, depending on lot size and purity for rhodium.

Material must contain 5% or more PGM by mass.

Lots over 200 dwt/10 oz troy, please inquire for best rates and paid parcel.
Lou said:
Buying PGM concentrates, scrap, old bullion, jewelry etc.

Small lots (5 oz and below, mixed or pure):
88% or better, depending on lot size for platinum.
85% or better, depending on lot size for palladium.
83% or better, depending on lot size and purity for rhodium.

Material must contain 5% or more PGM by mass.

Lots over 200 dwt/10 oz troy, please inquire for best rates and paid parcel.

Those are pretty good returns for small lots.
It includes concentrates from catalytic converters, i.e. suppose one were to leach 100 converters with aqua regia or chlorox/HCl (or whatever method), decant off/filter the solution, evaporate/concentrate and then cement with zinc or even copper. The leftover impure material will contain platinum and palladium, and some portion of rhodium (the very finely divided rhodium will dissolve).

When it gets to me, I mass it, incinerate it in a sealed tube to prevent loss of material to dust, and then wash with HCl to remove base metals. Then it gets and aqua regia digest, precipitation on the platinum and palladium, and the residue I process for rhodium. I then accumulate it and sell it, or make it into catalysts and plating solutions.

Do you accumulate this stuff Lou or you have good outs for your refined products?. If you do not want to expose details that's fine, I'm just a curious guy.

Edit: Referring to Pt and Pd, to clarify. How can one sell these at spot or premium over spot?.

Rh so rare and difficult, that I'm not really interested.

One way I know, but little demand is to make Pt-Pt/Rh thermocouples...

We have some buttons that our refiner says has too much iron in it
and they will not refine it until it is further concentrated. We are in the
5%-10% PM range excluding silver. Does this pose a problem for you
if you were to attempt to refine it yourself? Also, do you capture the
other PGMs like Ir and Ru?

Ir and Ru show up as residues. I only pay on them when they're a significant component of the matrix, and even then, I don't pay more than half of their worth because they're so low volume. I make almost all of them into catalysts.

What's the lot weight? Also, be absolutely sure that there is more than 5% by mass of PGMs, either one or all together otherwise I cannot pay out like that.

I don't know why he would say there's too much iron in it...that's small problem.

The refiner that rejected the high iron button said that it was magnetic
and they couldn't do anything with it. What do you figure is the issue?

Back to your services:
What if the button is 4% pgm and 5% gold. How do you view this scenario?

I view it like this:

If there's enough quantity to justify me processing it, then send it. Gold and platinum metals I'll pay on in those concentrations. I meant noble content greater than 5%. I'm not interested in low grade material. Your purpose is to concentrate it, mine is to concentrate it further and purify it to commercial purity and sell it for the maximum price.

No idea why they'd give a damn if it's magnetic. Sounds like a bunch of bull. I've seen highly noble magnetic platinum-iron alloys.

Please make sure you're positive on the amount of value in there, preferably get an assay. If it doesn't meet the minimum, I charge a $300 assay fee and a minimum $200 disposal fee. This is to discourage people from sending worthless material.
Lou said:
I view it like this:

If there's enough quantity to justify me processing it, then send it. Gold and platinum metals I'll pay on in those concentrations. I meant noble content greater than 5%. I'm not interested in low grade material. Your purpose is to concentrate it, mine is to concentrate it further and purify it to commercial purity and sell it for the maximum price.

No idea why they'd give a damn if it's magnetic. Sounds like a bunch of bull. I've seen highly noble magnetic platinum-iron alloys.

Please make sure you're positive on the amount of value in there, preferably get an assay. If it doesn't meet the minimum, I charge a $300 assay fee and a minimum $200 disposal fee. This is to discourage people from sending worthless material.

Lou soon I will soon have PGM's from approximately 200 catalytic converters, is there any problems shipping the precious metals from Canada to you in the U.S.A.

I would expect the value is well over $30,000.00 the magic number that tweaks government interest on money transfers.

No there is no problem. You must declare it on customs but mark it as scrap material and at a scrap value. Please make sure you use proper insurance. I recommend Parcel Pro out of California, but you may find a Canadian underwriter easier to deal with should a problem arise. If you were stateside, I could arrange shipping for you. If you plan on doing this consistently, I or a representative can fly up there to meet in person.

Also, please, with this type of quantity, make certain that you get an assay on the lot (even have it shipped from the assay house). That way, you have a sealed package coming from an assay house of known value. This adds an extra layer of security and peace of mind that is well worth the price. If you have a tax/employer ID it will greatly simplify a bank wire transfer. When you get to the point that you wish to sell, please PM me and we'll discuss the finer details (and better rates) over the phone. Thank you for your interest Rusty.

I have a special need for palladium. Anyone having some that wants to liquidate it, shoot me a PM with what you have and what you want to be paid for it.


We are a small Alaska placer mining company. We have platinum, palladium, and rhodium in our black sand concentrates after the visible gold is removed. There may also be some of the othe PGMs as well. Can you run an assay for us on a concentrate sample? We have been having trouble getting valid data from any assay office. We have several tons of stockpiled concentrates. Please call Mark at 208-440-9051.
Buying PGM concentrates, scrap, old bullion, jewelry etc.

Small lots (5 oz and below, mixed or pure):
88% or better, depending on lot size for platinum.
85% or better, depending on lot size for palladium.
83% or better, depending on lot size and purity for rhodium.

Material must contain 5% or more PGM by mass.

Lots over 200 dwt/10 oz troy, please inquire for best rates and paid parcel.
My company produces concentrates that contain platinum, palladium, and rhodium. Even gold and silver. Our preliminary analyzes are by RFX. Is it possible for you to value our concentrates commercially???
Compra de concentrados de PGM, chatarra, lingotes viejos, joyas, etc.

Lotes pequeños (5 oz y menos, mezclados o puros):
88% o mejor, según el tamaño del lote de platino.
85% o mejor, según el tamaño del lote de paladio.
83% o mejor, según el tamaño del lote y la pureza del rodio.

El material debe contener 5% o más de PGM en masa.

Lotes de más de 200 dwt/10 oz troy, consulte las mejores tarifas y paquetes pagados.
Buying PGM concentrates, scrap, old bullion, jewelry etc.

Small lots (5 oz and below, mixed or pure):
88% or better, depending on lot size for platinum.
85% or better, depending on lot size for palladium.
83% or better, depending on lot size and purity for rhodium.

Material must contain 5% or more PGM by mass.

Lots over 200 dwt/10 oz troy, please inquire for best rates and paid parcel.
Do you buy pgm placer material? Pgms will be 80% or above .
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