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Gold Refining Forum

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  1. G

    Dead car battery

    Do not suck or blow the fumes through the fan. Incorporate a high pressure stream of air in a Y configuration, to create a Venturi effect. Much like how a suction dredge works, if you are not familiar with the Venturi principle. This will isolate the blower from the fumes, and give considerable...
  2. O

    Buying a fume hood

    Effectively speaking, you does not need it to be that thick. Few mm is enough in my opinion, if you make chassis more strong. I used 3mm thick fiberglass resin sheets, and it was very good investment. Lexan (polycarbonate "glass") is also easy to find (used for transparent roofing, sometimes...
  3. Yggdrasil

    Aqua Regia Digest 500 g material.

    I would have done the Stannous before filtering. How many ml did you have before adding the SMB? From 50g of potential Gold bearing material I would not expect to see anything precipitating, I'd expect the Gold to be in the microgram range if any, and that will not be visible. Do you have...
  4. Shark

    Lab glass found across the forum as well as many good discussions on various filter materials. You could easily buy various versions as well. A fume hood is a great addition to the list and recommended even if working out side. They will keep fumes directly out of your face. There are many posts...
  5. Martijn

    Does copper only knock out gold or does it also knock out silver? So don't create a lot of fumes, and if you do, don't let them escape to open air without scrubbing them first. Have the fume hood there to get the traces of gasses and unintentional releases or accidents vented away from you. But very good to hear you are aware of this and you...
  6. Elemental

    Storing nitric acid

    Acids cabinets in a lab setting have ventilation to outside/fume hood to help with fume removal. You'll often find the acid cabinet right beneath the fume hood so the vent tube can be ran into the fume hood. Even in a lab setting nitric acid is stored separately from other acids. While...
  7. O

    New member... and just a heads up for Admin

    Disable the ads in the settings of your account. It was discussed in another thread some time ago. Mainly if you are logging on your phone.
  8. Vinny PaisAuno

    Needle like crystals in silver nitrate members for this wonderful resource. I have been studying this forum and Hoke for several months, and after finally building my fume hood I got to work. I inquarted some carat scrap and upon digesting the 6k gold cornflakes with 50.50 nitric acid solution I discovered some strange...
  9. Yggdrasil

    Why no reaction to sulfamic or SMB

    Well the Gold will not kill you, the As may. I really do not know how to mediate Arsenic in ores. I'm not much for imperial measurement and as you see, I used metric. 1000Kg in a tonne and 1000g in a Kg and 1ppm is 1 g per tonne. One OzT is 31.2 g, 32.1 ppm is then one OzT per tonne. If your...
  10. KStreeter

    can someone please explain. "gold refining"

    ...physiologic effects these chemicals can have on the body. kadriver is on point! I want to start doing this now but I have to wait until I can get a fume hood as well. Safety first and patience in all things. It’s not worth your life or quality of life to rush into it without the proper equipment!
  11. Yggdrasil

    Designing a DIY silver cell

    Please can you edit your thread. I expect the swimming girls is a translation error? I for one do not want swimming girls in my electrolyte.😏
  12. Yggdrasil

    about platinum precipitation!

    I just wanted to give you heads up on the PGM salts they are extremely toxic.
  13. S

    about platinum precipitation!

    ...ones for washing dishes and such..) and/or regular nitrile gloves (depending if I am dealing with nitric at the time), I don't have a fume hood, nor do I have anywhere to put one or I would have just made one by now, so I am doing everything outside. Sometimes I will use a respirator mask...
  14. 4metals

    consolidation of Loss Gold thread

    Before I give you the method, I should point out one major omission I see in your refinery layout. That is the lack of a hood in which you can carry out reactions safely. This method, as well as potentially using ammonia on gold sponge and many other steps you may wish to try, is not something...
  15. E

    For Sale Ore

    ...discovering some contradictions in regards to palladium. i have proper gloves, respirator and goggles working outdoors since i dont have a fume hood using a fan and pointing away from people and structures. chlorine gas is something you only get a whiff of once. i have a stock pot for liquids...
  16. S

    Back again

    Hi everyone! I'm back to learn more about this incredible resource and contribute what I have learned. I built most of my equipment in the lab including a fume hood from an old fuel oil furnace and am willing to share. Just ask.
  17. L

    Gold plated jewelry low grade

    Missing: hydrogen peroxide cautious addition or air bubbling, under hood
  18. N

    Blue crystals issue

    Try rinsing the filters well and then drying them and then put into a stainless container and put over a heat source to roast gently , this should stop any light particles from been blown away,do this either under a hood or outside to allow any fumes to be pulled away from you.
  19. J

    Noob From Steamboat the process of melting gold when those drops of rain hit that hot glass. I found that out when i did my very first reaction outside under a hood. Some water got splashed up onto the flash and it blew up on me. The number one thing to do is be extra careful. Number two thing is to re check...
  20. W

    Experienced Metallurgist, New Chemist the graphite mould is not much of an issue for me. The thing I was concerned about, was the process of the chemical work. I have everything I need, to my knowledge, and I even have a teacher who is willing to let me use his fume hood and heating plates. If anyone has tips for a first timer?
  21. S

    Abrasive Mill

    ...if there's any silver present. The engineer of a steam powered ship would take a water sample from the boiler then by adding a small addition of silver nitrate could tell by the formation of silver chloride if the boiler was taking on sea water. The large cabinet is destined to be my fume hood.
  22. GoIdman

    All metals rainbow solutions

    Hi, I think I`m missing something.. lost in your novel... So you have tried to recover (or refine) some ewaste and you have mixed ratios of chemicals to do so, but now you don`t know what metals have dropped from your solutions? Well we don`t know it either unless you will start...
  23. 4metals

    Diy vent hood advice

    Go to the library section and there is a thread there on doing exactly what you are asking. Making a hood with a plain steel blower.
  24. K

    Where to find input?

    ...a real business we had all the required permitting --- it took about 4&1/2 month just to set up the lab which included 3 large commercial fume hoods with large capacity fume scrubber - reaction vessels - waste management/treatment etc. etc. --- after about 4&1/2 months (plus the 4 & 1/2...
  25. df4112399

    Experiment precipitating gold out of solution 3 ways

    Try Try undergoing electrolysis with a solution of 3:1 chloroauric acid to stannous chloride until your solution turns a deep blue color then add as much hydrogen peroxide as your container will allow. Be careful for the solution will foam a lot when adding the H2O2.
  26. Yggdrasil

    Lead Iodide Mixed in with Gold Precipitate

    You did not add the Stannous to the whole solution did you? Potassium Nitrate and Pottasium Iodide are to completely different animals and do not do the same. You do NEED to keep track if you chemicals and what they are. One letter difference may be the difference between failure and success or...
  27. A

    Unlocking palladium from AgCl - or better separating technique ?

    How about dropping Pd from volumous solution of Pd chloride (after separating Silver as AgCl) as hydroxides. Palladium salts should go for hydrolysis pretty easy, and be converted to hydroxides, especially from clrorides of Pd. Redissolve in HCl or weak AR and this way concentrate the values...
  28. O

    Nitrogen Dioxide Mess

    ...need to be more careful. Chemicals aren´t joke or fun. You need to work at least outside, nowhere near buildings and people/animals. But fume hood is much better idea. Experimenting with nitric acid somewhere in neighborhood can cause you a lot of trouble since it is toxic gas evolving nearby...