1 lb sodium nitrate 1 lb smb 1 lb urea what do i do with it

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I think you need more than that.

Check out LazerSteve's website at http://www.goldrecovery.us and view his videos. This will give you an idea about recovering gold from fingers.

You can also use this flow chart created by our wonderful members.


This should guide you in the right direction. Also remember. Safety first. A few grams of gold are not worth trading your vision, lungs or life.

Good Luck
Ok i use the shore system and heres how it goes ,first a good soaking of your fingers in muratic acid and hydrogen peroxide you can get the muratic at a hardwear store ,and you can learn how to use this process in this forum.second rince well in a coffee filter,Third you take enough muratic acid to cover your fingers then add your sub zero pellets 2 tbs per oz of metals your dissolving and let mix set until all the metal is in liquid form ,then the easyist way i found was to put urea in a cup and add hot water to it about 4to1 water mix place a coffee filter over the cup top held in place with a rubber band,then poor this into the ar mix .Urea is cheap also at hardwear store .the collor of your mix will be between a light brown to a gree or even yellow ive seen all. next filter the ar mix threw a coffee filter and then take your storm percipiant/scrub powder and mix 2 tbs w/1/2 hot water and slowly add this to your ar mix a fter the mix starts to cool the gold will percipatate ,have fun start out w/small batches .good luck
P>S dont forget to properlly rince after this process /ammonia //read in this forum and try to keep as mutch of the base metals out as possiable the more metals make this process hard to work at least w/the shore products

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