1st time refiner, needs advise

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Jan 7, 2013
hello, im pa. been studing and buying equipment to start refining scrap gold. tonight is my 1st time . i melted down , lots of computer pins., then remelted with a refining flux in a oven at 2100 degrees.
Then i made shot. put 5oz of the gold into 200ml of nitriac acid, and 600ml of hydrochloric acid, its been sitting about 3 hours. i was planning to let it sit till morning. do i had sulfuric acid at any point, the instructions im using doesnt call for it . anyway , its the 1st batch, im a little nervous if im missing anything. any comments welcome as well as advice. thanks
bbigpat said:
hello, im pa. been studing and buying equipment to start refining scrap gold. tonight is my 1st time . i melted down , lots of computer pins., then remelted with a refining flux in a oven at 2100 degrees.
Then i made shot. put 5oz of the gold into 200ml of nitriac acid, and 600ml of hydrochloric acid, its been sitting about 3 hours. i was planning to let it sit till morning. do i had sulfuric acid at any point, the instructions im using doesnt call for it . anyway , its the 1st batch, im a little nervous if im missing anything. any comments welcome as well as advice. thanks

I answered your other post. Please don't double post.


You should put everything on hold and study this forum, until you verify anything that you learned elsewhere.
I'm going to guess that you bought one of the "illustrious" gold drops from ebay and the instructions are what you recieved from the seller. Maybe not and you decided to melt your pins together from some strange reason. Either way these globs are one of the hardest things to refine. The best way to remove the gold from pins is by reverse electroplating. But first download Hoke's book.(Link in my sig line) read it a few times through. Research the forum then when you are confident enough, then try some processes. Dont be to eager to rush in and hurt yourself, family members, neighbors, etc.

If you did buy this glob from ebay dont lie about doing it yourself. There's been many people that have been had by these charlatans and many more to come. If not then I apologize for insinuating anything. But in the future I would suggest not melting your pins together as it makes it extremely difficult to process.

Happy Hunting
Welcome to the forum.
I'm afraid you have taken some fairly easy to refine material, the processes can take some time, and turned it into a potential nightmare depending on the mix of metals you now have.
Take the advice offered save you acids, turn off your hot plate and do some studying and learn the methods and processes that will achieve the desired result.
Your not the first or the last I'm afraid to do exactly this and the advice offered is always the same....
Stop what your doing and learn how to do it correctly and safely.
Take the guided tour here on the forum and read C.M.Hoke, then study posts using the search function, top right of your screen, to further your studies and knowledge and you will learn how to recover and refine your hard earned gold.
Good luck you have some serious reading to do.
thank you, for the comments and advice. im turning off my hot plate . i have 3 containers full of liquid that has, 12 ounces of metal plated pins. after being melted down. yes , i bought them already melted off ebay ive read, for 6 months in my spare time, ill by hokes book and read it now. But here is what i did after making shot with these pre melted pins., did the nitric acid for 30-35 mins. added hydrochloric acid. let sit over night, added quart of water with urea, added another quart of water with storm precipitant. it looked exactly as was described to me brown murky with mus at the bottom , all the while its testing positive for 14k. and 22k. but my mud at the bottom was white, .clean it with ammonia and water, and it turned to a deep gold color , with gold almost orange mud. ive put that mud in a beaker, and on the hot plate. thats where im at. thinking about just sealing everything up. and start taking night courseds or something. COMMENTS AND ADVICE PLEASE. thanks Pat
Save that blob of copper to cement with, or use in your stockpot.
(You will read about that later).

Start with Hokes book, many members have a link to free download in their signature lines, or can be found in book section.

In general chat section read the welcome to new members, guide to the forum (follow links), and the general reaction list.

Be sure to study dealing with waste in the safety section, and study on safety, much of the gases are deadly, their are dangers that can cripple a man for life, study before you decide to start up that hotplate.

The forum has a wealth of information, and if you study it you can gain a knowledge hidden from most all men throughout history.

Add a bar of copper to what you have now (note the solution will need to be treated for waste later) store it in a safe place, cover it but not so the dangerous gases cannot escape, keep your powders wet until you understand how to deal with them, the gases are corrosive so do not store in your tool shed.

Also note ammonia can form explosive compounds with metals, do not let them dry out, always acidify them. I noticed you mentioned adding ammonia to the big mess you have made.

I also seen something mentioned about testing and it showed about 22K can you explain how you done this? Was this done on a metal, and how was it done, filing deep into the metal, a scratch test and a known karat gold needle and acids solution to compare how the gold marks on the stone reacted? Or how?

Find a post by Laser Steve visit his web site his website has a good search engine for the forum, his documents and videos will be helpful, you will also find other members with web sites, that are also very helpful like Samuel-a Gold N Scrap.

After you are ready start your experiments with using Hokes Book getting acquainted experiments, and start with an easy material to work with like memory fingers.
Study well the different processes and learn which one to use with what material your working with, study the processes all the way through this includes pretreatment, recovery and refining, each material is different and it can take different methods from beginning to ending.

Do not rush out and beginning to buy things you think you might need, wait until you know you need them, much of the supply's you can start with can come from kitchen equipment in second hand stores, Chemical you can start a list, begin looking for them (but again do not spend money on them until you know you need it) some of the chemicals can be made, or found in places like your grocery store, Hardware store, farm and feed store or pool supply.

You have a lot of home work, keeping a note book is a good idea, I would start the notebook with removable pages like a three ring binder, this way as you learn the old notes can be re-written or thrown out and new notes can be inserted (my note book is a mess of good and bad notes, almost too complicated to rewrite).

While you study keep your eyes out for free scrap, buying scrap before you learn can get costly and be a mistake as you have seen already. High grade scrap like karat gold or sterling is what you really would like learn how to find it and test for it, buy at a fair deal if you can it will produce better yield for a lot less trouble once you understand how, once in a blue moon you can find a piece of sterling silver someone missed in a second hand store.

I say 80% is study, 20% lab practice and learning, but it can all be fun and rewarding if you work safely.
At first expect this to be very confusing, it will come to light in due time, you will be learning a new language, and a complicated science, do not rush it, do not worry there is a learning curve, it will take time, gold has patience (it can endure forever), you will need to learn to be patient to get that gold.

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