20 lbs of computer scrap :)

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2012
not sure if im allowed to post my own auctions here, if not just delete this topic :)

if you sorted it you might make more money. Assuming its not all brown boards in the bottom. You could use http://www.boardsort.com or http://www.CashForComputerScrap.com (prices are here http://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=13055) and save the fees.

etack said:
if you sorted it you might make more money. Assuming its not all brown boards in the bottom. You could use http://www.boardsort.com or http://www.CashForComputerScrap.com (prices are here http://goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=13055) and save the fees.


took your advice, took down the auction and im sorting through it now, thanks :)
Why dose other tell other what to do with they have. They don't need it and other can't fine it (like me) and need it low as possible now is going to drive the price up and now I'm going to lose out on it. I don't have enough money to buy on eBay.
Put it back up and I will bid on it. If it to high for me then it is my lost and you gain more money.
jmdlcar said:
Why dose other tell other what to do with they have. They don't need it and other can't fine it (like me) and need it low as possible now is going to drive the price up and now I'm going to lose out on it. I don't have enough money to buy on eBay.

Sorry you have a have a hard time finding e-scrap, but this forum is about helping out others and sharing information. Not about taking advantage of other members. This isn't the first seller I told to sell to a forum member nor the last if it will make them more money.

ComputerHoarder didn't have to do what he did but it was wise that he did. He was selling ram and fiber processors at best MB prices.

When I first came here it was about other helping other who didn't know a lot the process. Which I have learn a lot about the process. But now when someone put something on eBay someone come a long tell them what they need to do or change. I would have bid on it and took a chance what I would have got. And the seller can learn how to sell the next time. If I'm going to sell some e-scrap on eBay first I would ask someone that know how to do it before I would posted it so everyone could see it or bid on it and then change it then everyone mad.
jmdlcar said:
When I first came here it was about other helping other who didn't know a lot the process. Which I have learn a lot about the process. But now when someone put something on eBay someone come a long tell them what they need to do or change. I would have bid on it and took a chance what I would have got. And the seller can learn how to sell the next time. If I'm going to sell some e-scrap on eBay first I would ask someone that know how to do it before I would posted it so everyone could see it or bid on it and then change it then everyone mad.

so...what your saying is, your pissed cause i changed my mind? the computer scrap is mine after all i can do with it what i please. if a forum member explains i can make more off it by separating it then ill do it. it didn't really come to mind to do that til i was told to and then it made perfect sense.

im sorry your mad that i didn't sell it to you jmd, but life does go on. and its not like that's the only scrap ill come by, i may just send you some in the future if you prove your here to stay :) just dont see it wise to send 20 lbs of scrap to a stranger that poked his head out of the wood work, you know? and to be honest from your spelling ill have to guess your from another country, im the USA im sure there's a lot of yellow tape about sending e scrap to other countries. if your not from a foreign country or even if you are im sorry if i offended you, that's not my hope. my hope is to explain that what i did i didn't do to upset you, i did it for my own good, i hope you understand.
You should think before you post and that what wrong with the people today they don't think. Other have to think for them. I'm 64 and If I have posted it I would left it and took the lost. I'm not out to make any money with this hobby so if I have to pay just under spot price that fine with me but if I can get it a lot less then I'll be happy. Please don't say any bad words to me any more I don't say them to you so don't say them to me. Thanks Jack
jack, ill see what i have laying around bud, i may be able to pull out some motherboards if you ok with those to work with. im sorry if i disrespected you that was never my intention

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