$2000 small-scale plant for copper leaching?

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Well-known member
Apr 1, 2009
Hi all,

Thanks for all of your responds in advanced. I am trying to see if I can set up a small shop that buys copper ores from miners, and produce 99% pure copper for under $2000. Considering I am in a country that fuel and acid is cheap compare to Europe or the US. Using electric sepration would be the best right? heap leaching?

Many thanks
Thanks for the file. However you sure this would cost less than $2000? If that is the case can some engineer actually design a plant based on that document? or should I contact the Intec guys for this?

$2,000, Probaly not. Could a small simple design of this system be built. I would venture to say yes. How well it works depends on the fabricator and the design.

The file was meant just to give you some ideas and a starting point for your further research. I have everything to set up a small scale test of this system but just haven't been able to get my ducks in a row to try it yet. I also have an idea for a modified Plat Kisss method i haven't tried yet. Oh where does the time go. lol