24KT Gold Flake..Awesome Pics.

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Well-known member
Jul 25, 2012
I woke up the other day to this beautiful sight :)..I was dropping about 7 grams of gold out of solution overnight and this was floating at the top in the morning..Thought you gents might appreciate the beauty.
It does look totally cool, thanks for the pictures...

It's probably happening because oil from your hands was transferred to the material, if you incinerate your material before digestion, you probably will not see the "floating gold" it's cause by the surface tension that is increased by oils from your hands or other oils that may have been transferred to the material.

I've had gold powder so pure and dry that when you put it in a beaker and added water the gold floated on top of the water because their was nothing to break the surface tension. The gold was so clean water wouldn't wet it without trouble.
Thanks for taking a look, and the pointer :). Im jealous :D I wish I could get powder that pure. It always ends up slightly contaminated. I need to invest in a better refining set up. At the moment my equipment is cobbled together.
I've seen this happen if any dry smb is floating on the surface of the pregnant solution.

- Ian

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