36.2%HCL Reducing Concentration To 30%

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Sep 15, 2011
I purchased 25l of HCL 36.2% strength and wondered if it was ok to dilute to 30% with water,If so how much water would be added per litre.
I would not worry that much about diluting it, unless you’re using it to titrate with in a test, where concentration would be more critical.

In my thinking there is No reason to dilute, unless I was using heat, then I normally just add a little water to keep the HCl from gassing off in fumes, so it stays in liquid state and reacts with metals, and on the other hand if the acid is dilute just heating it with metal it will concentrate and form slat with the metals at the same time, basically I am not too concerned with concentration (within limits).

If you are concerned about concentrations look up making molar solution to learn more about adjusting concentration to certain levels.
I agree with butcher but want to add something on safety in case you do decide to dilute acid:
"Add acid to water just like you otter"
This is really only important for strong acids (and bases) like 36.2% HCl. If you add water to it, it will heat up A LOT, possibly boil, probably break the bottle it's in. If you do decide to dilute it, add the amount of water you're planning on adding to it to an empty beaker, then add the volume of acid to this water slowly while stirring, watching the temperature. If it gets too warm, stop and let it cool down. Once it's all added, then you can transfer back to your storage bottle.

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