A filter question

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Well-known member
May 30, 2012
Bowling Green ohio
I have been runing pins and fingers for a while now and saving my used fliter. I can see gold stuck in the fibers of the filter but can't wash it out for some reason. I read some thing about burning the filters a long time ago on here now of course I cant find the post now. When I burn the filters how do I seperate the gold from the ash? I burnt a unused filter just as a test it dosnt make much ash but some obivously. I'm useing cone shaped fryer oil filters for deep fat fryers incase any one was wondering
Filters are an ongoing part of your hobby or work in this particular discipline. Incineration is the way to go, the ash will not cause any problems as when you filter your solution it will get removed, another filter to keep and treat later when you have decent volumes. The other method to remove the gold flakes is to place your filter in a flask and wash the flakes of with a wash bottle, keeping the washed filter with any other used ones again for later recovery, the flakes should settle fairly quickly so decant the water off and start your recovery and refining.

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