A new start up in Arizona....

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By Design Acquizitioners, LTD.
Supporting Member
Dec 11, 2010
Las Vegas, Nevada, U.S.A.
Howdy folks...

It's been awhile since I've posted much of anything, the lode mine I featured years ago here on the forums has kept me pretty busy and now that processes have been delegated (Im getting too old for this sh*t...NOT! šŸ˜) to younger men I was invited to investigate a placer mining opportunity in Meadview, Arizona... WHAT A BEAUTIFUL PLACE!

I thought I'd share some photos of the place and talk about the mill site we got going up on the 20 acre property that was purchased from the King Tut II gold mine. Placer mining is new to me however the gold is there and the mill site is almost complete. I hope you enjoy the tour!original_a12e3972-e5cf-4849-b68e-2d54ab915d43_IMG_20220219_105929.jpgoriginal_abd2506a-4b51-47f6-aa47-2273a6c93956_IMG_20220219_105522.jpgDSCN0053.JPGimage000000(3).jpgIMG_20220218_120335.jpgIMG_20220219_110033.jpgimage000000(2).jpg
Nice ground and setup !!!!
What is your estimated gold recovery from 100 tons per day from your mine ?
It's great to see that you are living the dream that many of us have and I hope that you guys are very successful and get RICH !!!!
As of now I have had two spinal surgeries, 5 vertebrae in my neck fused with at least one more to add in the very near future and one disc in my lower back that is exploded and has to come out soon also but I can't wait to get my dredge back in the Colorado waters again !!!!
There's something that is just completely satisfying when you can go mining every day and actually have gold to show, hell even the days I got skunked was still some of the best days of my life.

And please keep updating us on how it's going, good or bad lol.
Nice ground and setup !!!!
What is your estimated gold recovery from 100 tons per day from your mine ?
It's great to see that you are living the dream that many of us have and I hope that you guys are very successful and get RICH !!!!
As of now I have had two spinal surgeries, 5 vertebrae in my neck fused with at least one more to add in the very near future and one disc in my lower back that is exploded and has to come out soon also but I can't wait to get my dredge back in the Colorado waters again !!!!
There's something that is just completely satisfying when you can go mining every day and actually have gold to show, hell even the days I got skunked was still some of the best days of my life.

And please keep updating us on how it's going, good or bad lol.
Dynesys on the lumbar, fusion isn't good.
Indeed, you're right about that feeling of satisfaction Golddigger, but OMG your medical set backs feel painful!

I too recently was hospitalized with osteomyelitis within my T8 vertebra and was subjected to 6 weeks of antibiotic infusions to tackle the problem ... it's still painful but the blood work says I'm out of the woods with it we will see.

With regards any actual values we gleen from the mining operation It's a crap shoot...it's placer, and in my opinion gold will come and go as we sift through the material. The amount I revealed within the green pan was cleaned up from about 4 yards of earth, so it actually looks promising!

There's also 6 levels of caliche that will need to be hoe-rammed through to get the most value from the operation and we both know that that is going to take a heavy toll on the backhoe we got. The big benefit of having this property is access to the King Tut II mine operator and his wife. They've supplied valuable information about the geology of the property..... I will be heading out to Arizona (as I live in Nevada) in about a week. In all reality I believe we are going to button up the operation and sit out the winter... it snows there pretty good and is bone chilling cold until April...

I took this picture last winter lol... it should give you an idea about what I'm talking about
I hear you on not wanting to be operated throughout the winter lol.

I spent years working winters in Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana in the oil patch and on several occasion I have seen it so cold that every last gallon of water on location froze, as in the whole dam drilling rig pump system and tanks .
Down to around -20Ā° is tolerable but it seems like it's the magic temperature where another degree below that and everything goes South fast.
My very first trip to work in North Dakota was greeted with a week of miserable artic blast and for the first time in my life I got to feel what it was like to work outside in negative 58Ā° šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£, I soon realized that in the winter up there if it was above zero degrees it was just something like a heatwave...
Don't get me wrong I don't mind gold dredging in icy water but running a wash plant in freezing water is a different challenge.
Looks like a well-equipped operation, good luck with finding lots of the shiny stuff! Iā€™m curious what kind of trees those are, never seen anything like them before.
Looks like a well-equipped operation, good luck with finding lots of the shiny stuff! Iā€™m curious what kind of trees those are, never seen anything like them before.

I guess it is some kind of Cactus.

Peace, health and good luck!

Thanks James!!

One of the biggest things this forum has provided me is its generous association who provides invaluable insite into the metallurgical processes that goes into most of today's gold mining operations. While I will admit that the search function never really provides the results I needed the Internet has.

It's folks like you James that made this benefit possible with your explanations and solutions about technical issues people faced with their science.

I'll have to admit that my Nevada mining experience started off with a bang 10+ years ago with my finding a super rich patented gold mine that had just been secured by the BLM that same year (due to its owner dieing from a heavy equipment accident). It was that mine that gave me the education on metallurgy of a lifetime, with it's multiple lenses and veins, and multitude of ore types. I never knew about polymetallic replacement deposits, let alone one that possessed 24 different metals in one refractory ore type... I even had seasoned mining metallurgists tell me that platinum and gold do not form together, just to educate them by letting them assay samples I'd sent to them, together with USGS publications that provides assay data confirming my claims.

This mining venture however is different from that one, in that the gold is actually gold and not micron-level gold particles trapped in pyrites, so it should be fun...

And you just can't beat looking at the Grand Wash Cliffs while working lol...IMG20221125172012.jpg
They're in the yucca genus, which is in the Asparagus family. The 'wood' is actually composed of small fibers and has no growth rings. The ripe fruits (after baking or boiling) and seeds are edible, a useful dessert food.
That's very interesting information, and seeing that my property is located in the Arizona Joshua Tree Forest, I'll never go hungry!!original_abd2506a-4b51-47f6-aa47-2273a6c93956_IMG_20220219_105522.jpgIMG_20220219_110033.jpgimage000000(2).jpg
Well Its still unclear about operations. Our main financer is out in Ohio still generating income and making purchases with it... The Mill site has developed weeds that I've gone out twice to clear... Two partners have now died and I'm close to a crossroads here with decisions.

Property prices in Meadview have risen slightly due to an entire wind generation farm routing their output to an electric substation right in front of my property... (Hell Yeah). It's my express opinion that Meadview is shaping up to becoming one of the next resort towns to manifest on the map ... I mean, you've got national park scenery, tribal gaming on the reservation, gold on your property, a river fresh from its passage through the biggest filter on earth (Grand Canyon, which is only 10 miles away...) an uplift stage to the biggest escarpment on the continent known as the Grand Wash Cliffs to make your sunsets magical to the east, and the easternmost arm of the Lake Mead NRA to the west, which, when you look over the cliffs of the Grapevine Mesa towards grants you scenic views from the west.

You've got a large retirement community that already has established itself there, amongst the Arizona State Joshua Tree Forest, and one just can't help but feel the changes coming... 8 miles down Pierce Ferry Road you've got launches for both the Colorado River and Lake Mead...

I think my crossroadsbis taking shape. First however, I need to talk with another operation to get the gold on my property extracted ... and once that commences, conserve the land by building a horse ranch upon it and advertise stable leases and wintering options because horse riding.... Is where it's at, especially in Meadview !!


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My wife and I live on the edge of Sacramento. I am retired - my wife is not. When she retires, we're going to relocate to New Mexico or Arizona.

Your great description of the Meadowview area has me leaning toward AZ. Thanks for the info.!

Peace and health,

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