Acid Peroxide

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Oct 4, 2010
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
Hi all,
This is my first post to the forum.
I'd just like to say thanks to everyone who has contributed any information.
I have learned a lot in the past two weeks or so perusing the posts.

I have some inquiries regarding the Acid Peroxide solution.
Firstly, what is any are teh byproducts of this reaction?
Secondly, I have some pins very similar to the ones shown at the top of this image

I mixed the HCl to hydrogen peroxide using a 2:1 ratio (HCl to H2O2 respectively) as suggested elsewhere on the forum.
I used a solution consisting of approx. 8 oz of Hcl to 4oz of H2O2.
I placed some 20-30 pins in the solution.
The mixture seemed to be doing something within five minutes and the solution had turned a yellowish-green color.
After about two hours in direct sunlight, it has stopped bubbling and there is no noticeable change in the pins.

Is this the expected reaction?

The only thing that seemed to be affected during the processing time was the solder at the ends of the pins.

Can someone please explain what may have turned the solution green?
Can I safely assume there is no base metal mixed in with the gold since, according to the instructions for the acid peroxide, this solution dissolves base metals?

If I wanted to continue with the processing and use this to dissolve the gold,
what temperature does the solution need to be brought to to activate the dissolving process
and how long of a processing time can I expect?
Also, would you start with fresh solution and would you use the same proportions?

Any and all suggestions and/or information are appreciated.

Thanks MonstrumAuro
Pins have a lot of base metal, copper or brass, and the HCl acid and peroxide will have a hard time dissolving all that copper, the solution turns green because you are dissolving copper into the acid, making a soluble copper II chloride solution, this is what will react to dissolve more copper, as long as you have some free HCl and an oxidizer (H2O2)left in solution, you can dissolve these pins this way but it will take a long time and use alot of your chemicals, have you visited steves web site and studied the information he has provided you? you will learn how the acid peroxide works and how to deal with it, you will also find a better way to deal with the pins, look into his concentrated sulfuric cell, you will find it can handle the volume of copper in the pins much easier, welcome to the forum you are learning, your first lesson is acid peroxide is not the best way to deal with pins, and you mentioned solder on those pins, if you do not eliminate the solder you may find that your second lesson, the acid peroxide will not normally dissolve gold unless you use too much or too strong peroxide, this is what is great about it, with finger's (thin layer of gold plated copper) notice not much copper here the acid peroxide dissolves our copper lifting the gold plate away from the circuit board leaving us with gold foils.
well now back to the books (LaserSteves website), hope this helps

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