Advice on Mil-Spec pins please

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Here is a link where two first time cells were done. I had refrained from posting it earlier in hopes you would look at the more proper posts on making and using a cell, and you may have ran across it already. The credit goes to bmgold2 for starting it as well as those who chimed in and helped us progress with them. I wouldn't use the link as a cure all for building a cell, but as a means of understanding there can be some very slight modifications to save a buck or two when getting started. Please keep in mind they can hurt you, and proper gloves are a necessity when using one. Be very aware of proper ventilation as well. I still have mine in the original configuration, but I now have two bowls a bit larger than the first one with better sealing lids.
The sulfuric stripping cell is what you want to search. I studied it for over a year before I finally built one. (Warning : concentrated sulfuric acid is very hygroscopic. It is this ability that makes it so dangerous. It carbonizes organics (plastic,skin,flesh,bone) on contact. Contact with eyes will cause permanent blindness. It absorbs water from any source including the air. Sulfuric acid fumes and SO2 gas will make sulfuric acid in the moisture in your lungs when inhaled causing necrosis of lung tissue.)

It is for these many reasons that people are reluctant to recommend anyone use the sulfuric stripping cell until they have had time to study the dangers. It's not that we hold this huge secret and don't to share it but more out of concern for readers safety.

The gold from the sulfuric stripping cell does not stay in suspension and self precipitates as soon as it leaves the vicinity of the anode and settles to the bottom as a very fine black powder.
sgtmajorbuzz said:
Smack said:
sgtmajorbuzz said:
Thank you for the responses, especially the ones that recommended other options, as opposed to the" figure it out yourself" response. .

If your referring to my response to you in the "figure it out yourself" remark, your way off base there. I said everything is here for you to learn, don't get confused or offended.

I meant no disrespect, but I don't think I was way off base either. The other members gave me key words I could search. I am still learning the jargon, so the words I searched pulled up countless posts, most of which had no relation to what I was looking for. Kinda like finding a needle in a stack of needles. Forgive me for being blunt, I am recently separated from the Active duty as an E6/SSG, and that's just kinda how we talk. My wife has reprimanded me a few times already for not sugarcoating things. I will try to be more civil in the future.

I don't need any sugar lol just the facts. Lots of ex-military here, me included. Looks like your headed in the right direction though so good luck and have fun with it.

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