Well-known member
I am under the impression that with the Acid-Peroxide method, the main point of the peroxide is to supply oxygen. I am under the impression that this can be done without peroxide by bubbling air through the solution. I am under the impression that, up to a point, the solution can be 'regenerated' and made active again by the addition of oxygen. Please correct me if I am wrong in these assumptions.
So I was wondering if this would be as simple as using a cheap aquarium 'air pump' (not a submersible water pump). These air pumps run quietly, must be situated above the water level, and have an outlet that fits a 1/4inch vinyl tube, which attaches to an air stone, or 'bubbler'.
Rather than asking y'all in advance, I decided to try it out on my own AP solution. This is my first batch ever, and is small in size, roughly 2-3 cups. It had been stagnant for ~24 hours and the solution was dark in color. I assumed that if the bubbling reactivated the solution, I would notice a prominent lightening of the color. I bubbled for roughly two minutes, while gently stirring, and did not notice any color change. I did not use an airstone--simply the end of the vinyl tube.
I later added a splash of H2O2 and HCl, at which point the color lightened.
What I learned: The clear vinyl tubing seemed to be unharmed. The 'splatter' from the bubbles was greater than I anticipated.
What I still don't know: Is this a viable method for regenerating the solution?
I am wondering if my assumption that simply bubbling 'air' through the solution will work, and what methods others have for regenerating their solutions.
I have not seen any reference to this in other posts. (Or perhaps they were over my head.) I was hoping to contribute to the forum by saying 'Look at this method that I just successfully tried!', but that will wait for another day...
So I was wondering if this would be as simple as using a cheap aquarium 'air pump' (not a submersible water pump). These air pumps run quietly, must be situated above the water level, and have an outlet that fits a 1/4inch vinyl tube, which attaches to an air stone, or 'bubbler'.
Rather than asking y'all in advance, I decided to try it out on my own AP solution. This is my first batch ever, and is small in size, roughly 2-3 cups. It had been stagnant for ~24 hours and the solution was dark in color. I assumed that if the bubbling reactivated the solution, I would notice a prominent lightening of the color. I bubbled for roughly two minutes, while gently stirring, and did not notice any color change. I did not use an airstone--simply the end of the vinyl tube.
I later added a splash of H2O2 and HCl, at which point the color lightened.
What I learned: The clear vinyl tubing seemed to be unharmed. The 'splatter' from the bubbles was greater than I anticipated.
What I still don't know: Is this a viable method for regenerating the solution?
I am wondering if my assumption that simply bubbling 'air' through the solution will work, and what methods others have for regenerating their solutions.
I have not seen any reference to this in other posts. (Or perhaps they were over my head.) I was hoping to contribute to the forum by saying 'Look at this method that I just successfully tried!', but that will wait for another day...