Sucho, good info about Pd codeposition.
GSP, yes, the 95/5 H2SO4/HNO3 mix is perfect for recovery of silver from plated copper and even brass parts. Many years ago I tried it on a huge load of high voltage fuses. There were several types, but all of them had long porcelain tubes filled with sand, and a silver wire or foil as the fuse element. The terminals were made of heavily silver plated copper or brass, screwed into the porcelain with silver plated brass screws. A friend and I made a deal with a local scrapyard, that we could buy several metric tons of them, take them apart, and keep the silver, and then return the copper plus brass for the same price. We took them apart, and recovered around 2 Kg of pure silver wire/foil. The terminals was dipped in the 95/5 mix (we did it at around 80 °C) for maybe half a minute. After a flush, the copper and brass parts were nice and shiny. We also went the AgCl route, and got around 3 Kg of silver from the spend solution.
One word of caution: This mix is VERY nasty to skin and clothing (especially at 80 °C), and it makes a violentl reaction with water. I noticed at that time, that after many hours of work, I payed less attention to the dangers, and started to treat the solution like if it was water. This is a typical human behavior, but very dangerous. If you are a pro, you have learned to take precautions, but if you are doing it as a hobby, it becomes dangerous after some time, when you start to relax. We didn't have any mishaps, but we had to remind ourself about the dangers over and over.