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Mar 22, 2009
Well can you create gold? I was trying to do it with manna, milk and honey, boiled on the stove and later refined in a furnance. It is tasty, tasty like darn! heavenly gold.

"how do i become just as creative as the Creator? how do i create a man?". Well God fromed man from the dust accoding to the bible. parhaps you can created gold from dust. who knows? i haven't tried it yet!
Isaksson said:
Now as i were digging after gold in the US i stumbled on Uranium. Were can i sell Highly Enriched Uranium?

Well first you have to enrich the Uranium. Talk to Iranian president abdinajibwad. :D

Best regards.
Well my schoolar is in theology, not much i understand in those free tutorials. as you speak to a theological schoolard man, can you say that Abraham was headed for the land flowing with agua regis, as he emigrated from Ur on God's command!?
patnor1011 said:
jaysus another candidate for ban.

This forum should remain free of religion. (ALL religion). If readers can't refrain from posting their beliefs, I'll see to it they are banned.

I'm going to assume that Isaksson has enough wisdom to cease posting his religious dogma. If not, I'll personally ban him.

I do not know were my privious msg went. I cant find it anywere. I just wanted to say that i did not understand the books i downloaded and that there was a reason for that. Anyways, i need some guidance through those books - what exaclty is royal water? I've read about it in those books and in chemistry books but i dont comprhend what it is. According to some myth's Kings drink it. I guess i would meet my creator if i tried something so bold. Anyways, according to these chemistry books, HCL and HNO3 was created by persians or babylonians 900-1100 years ago, but egyptians handled gold already 4000 years ago. So it seems to me like those sources lie.

What exaclty is HCL and HNO3? whats the history of it?
I used to believe that you could refine precious metals, using milk and honey, alternative butter and honey. I do not know were i got that idea from; parhaps it was from a couple of womans singing a song to me. Yeah thats probobly it; they sang a song "What is gold" or "vad är guld" and i got my intress of gold from there.

So i used to believe milk and honey was royal water and that you could refine gold by mingle it in dust. Thats what i used to believe!
Isaksson said:
I used to believe that you could refine precious metals, using milk and honey, alternative butter and honey. I do not know were i got that idea from; parhaps it was from a couple of womans singing a song to me. Yeah thats probobly it; they sang a song "What is gold" or "vad är guld" and i got my intress of gold from there.

So i used to believe milk and honey was royal water and that you could refine gold by mingle it in dust. Thats what i used to believe!

I think you need to lay off the Royal Water yourself dude...
stihl88 said:
Isaksson said:
I used to believe that you could refine precious metals, using milk and honey, alternative butter and honey. I do not know were i got that idea from; parhaps it was from a couple of womans singing a song to me. Yeah thats probobly it; they sang a song "What is gold" or "vad är guld" and i got my intress of gold from there.

So i used to believe milk and honey was royal water and that you could refine gold by mingle it in dust. Thats what i used to believe!

I think you need to lay off the Royal Water yourself dude...

"Don't Panic. It's Organic."

He can't be that stupid. Is that you Megan ? :mrgreen:

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