Anybody try AR with fingers?

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Active member
Dec 5, 2012
If I felt like saving time with AP, is there a problem I am not seeing with doing a direct AR on fingers? I figure it works for ceramic processors. Just wondering. Thanks.

Aside: Attempted a search, came up with nothing.
Try straight HNO3. Wash foils and then go for AR.

Why not AR first? Simply because your gold will be cleaner if you remove base metals first.
I have only NaNO3. So poor mans is all I can muster. If I go for another refining after it sounds like it will be allright. Thanks.
zmoney8787 said:
I have only NaNO3. So poor mans is all I can muster. If I go for another refining after it sounds like it will be allright. Thanks.

If you also have sulphuric acid you could produce poor mans nitric acid to clean the foils of base metals
Battery Acid will work. My only suggestion would be to remove some of the water first by evaporating it with some heat. I dont know how much you will need, but bring 5 cups worth down to about 3 cups maybe a little more.
Thanks Pat sometimes adding the safety tips escapes my fingers.
I personally would not process fingers in AR for two reasons.

1. You would have a solution heavy with base metals. This could cause several headaches. Like your gold being difficult to drop and when it does drop it will be slow to settle. Could also cause some of the gold to drop out as a black powder while the fiberglass from the fingers is still in solution. This powder could get stuck on the fiberglass trash and accidentally thrown away.

2. The fiberglass is porous. It will absorb some of your gold bearing solution and even with good rinsing you would not be able to get it back. So basically your trash would steal some of your gold.

There are several other reasons why going straight to AR with fingers is not a good idea. But the 2 that I mentioned are just the big ones that come to mind.
tek4g63 said:
I personally would not process fingers in AR for two reasons.

1. You would have a solution heavy with base metals. This could cause several headaches. Like your gold being difficult to drop and when it does drop it will be slow to settle. Could also cause some of the gold to drop out as a black powder while the fiberglass from the fingers is still in solution. This powder could get stuck on the fiberglass trash and accidentally thrown away.

2. The fiberglass is porous. It will absorb some of your gold bearing solution and even with good rinsing you would not be able to get it back. So basically your trash would steal some of your gold.

There are several other reasons why going straight to AR with fingers is not a good idea. But the 2 that I mentioned are just the big ones that come to mind.

Great points...
If you are going all the way to do it to get gold, why not AP and remove the boards and base metals before making AR?... Makes sense to keep the losses to a minimum if you can... You already have HCL so goto the dollar store and get a couple bottles of peroxide...and get some patience while yer out so you do it right the first time?...

Just sayin... Why cut corners?

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