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Apr 18, 2013
Hello everyone, getting right into it, I would like to know if anyone would like to go in on an auction or finance me for a month or two. I have $2500 to put towards this and have spoken with a couple shipping companies and found a warehouse for storage. I know many of you know the value in this load, some of you may be bidders.

Auction ends tomorrow and I thought I would throw a hail Mary, ha ha. For those of you who don't know American football, its basically throwing the ball up and hoping your guy catches it. If he does, everything's good, if not, the other team may get the ball. In this case, someone has the chance to take this auction and run or I could land something to give my business a pretty good boost.


If interested, shoot me a PM.

I can almost guarantee that the State of Kentucky's in-house IT techs have "cherry-picked" the goodies out of everything that was easy to grab. That's why you need to physically inspect a random sample before bidding.

I won a State of CA auction for 79 Dell laserjet printers. The only reason I even bid was that according to Dell's specs, these printers had RAM memory in them. I didn't pre-bid inspect and not a single one had any RAM left in them.

Empty memory slots, yes. RAM, no.

Good luck!
I have to say I have done really well. A couple of auctions really hurt but I got over them pretty quick. I am with you silversaddle, I told my wife it would go at least $10000, probably $12000 and maybe even $16000 or more. Its funny with a lot of these auctions, you either do really well or you barely break even.

Last month, I got 45 servers for $460 and came out about $400 to the good. Right now, I have 12 IBM P series servers in the garage that I should have looked at before bidding. I made an assumption and was dead wrong. They put up a pic of a good one and angled it to look like they were all the same. I will break even on this one until I factor in fuel and time.

You are correct cosmetal, sometimes its cherry picked in a real bad way. Had a load of 10 computers last year that was only motherboards and power supplies, that one sucked. Anyways, momma said its time for dinner.

Just imagine what we could make on that load silversaddle, hint hint. Ha ha, just kidding buddy. Anyways, I did want to tell you thanks for all your help though. Business is picking up and my website should be live here in about a week.

Take care guys,
silversaddle1 said:
$41,000 plus. Missed that one a little.


It was 44,000+ and it took an extra hour and a half of auto extensions to end the auction.Me and my partner went in at 10,000.Thanks in advance.

Wow - I'd have been staggered if anyone won that lot for $10,000, or anything close for that matter.

I would imagine that the winning bidder did as suggested and contacted the guy direct for more specifics, then they made a bid according to the relevant information rather than what it might be worth as a scrap deal.

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