Anyone know what is this?

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2011
I have brought some screen today, There is alot of gold vein inside.
The seller don know what screen issit.
I have crushed some of it and dissloved in cyanide solution but it take 4-5hours to dissloved it but in the same solution it stripped GP pins in seconds.
What type of screen issit and is there a way to make the cyanide dissloved faster?



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Dear All,

I have slowly rised the ph of the solution with sodium hydroxide flake to 12 after continuous stirring it change to a unclear yellow colour.
I continue to stir and added zinc powder slowly suddenly a cheese foam cloud form but it i can see zinc dissloving and tiny black/dark brown settle to the bottom, I continue to add zinc powder until i saw a grey powder settle on the bottom and add in some extra.
I hang a zinc plate on top and leave it overnight, The foam that look like foam when making cheese does not disappear after leaving it overnight but it seem all powder has been settle to the bottom and the solution is still a light yellow orange colour.
May i know is this normal and do you think i have fully recovered the gold?
Should i siphon off the foam and contiune to proceed with nitric acid?
Or what should i do now?
I hope someone can help me out before i proceed..

Thank you so much.....


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The ph level should be around 14
Anyway that's some ugly reaction you've got there, have you heated the reactor in which you did it (it speeds the process)
Also have you added hydrogen peroxide?
2ndgenerationrefiner said:
The ph level should be around 14
Anyway that's some ugly reaction you've got there, have you heated the reactor in which you did it (it speeds the process)
Also have you added hydrogen peroxide ?

Hi 2ndgenerationrefiner,

I have read some thread from GSP here It says Ph should be 12 or it will takes more zinc to drop the gold?
Yes i have a ugly reaction, Should i wait until foam to go off before siphon it or to heat it until it goes away?
I did not add hydrogen peroxide, My solution is 20g m-nbss and 30g Sodium Cyanide and after dissolving the gold i use sodium hydroxide to raised the ph to 12 then use zinc powder to drop the gold.

May i know am i on the right way or did i miss out something and how should look like when dropping the gold and after the gold has drop out?


You certainly don't want to add any acid!!!!

I have never seen that happen. With you there and me here, it's hard to make a guess what has happened. I would think the first thing to do is try to get the crystals dissolved in some manner that won't make the situation worse. Were it me, I would try diluting it with an equal amount of water and then heat it slowly with some stirring. If the crystals dissolve, stop heating it. Let us know what happened.

You said it took 4 hours to strip those parts. Are you talking about the pins around the perimeter or something else on the part?

How much zinc did you add?
Dear GPS,

I am so glad and happy to see you are here to help. I did not add any other acid, At first it goes very smoothly stripping all the gold pins and i got a nice yellow solution, After i got the solution i slowly add in sodium hydroxide flake to raised ph to 12.
When adding sodium hydroxide until certain amount suddenly the solution turn into a unclear yellow color and i tested the ph is 12. I then added zinc powder slowly until it i saw a grey powder on the bottom.
The cloud form when zinc powder is added. i can see the solution is dissolving the zinc and some black powder fall to the bottom i added more and more until i see grey powder. I then hang a zinc plate and leave it overnight.
The powder has sink to the bottom and the cloud float above.

I have siphon out the cloud and filtered the powder and treated with nitric acid, I the get a fine sand type brown powder and i smelt it to a button weight 0.2g.

Sorry, i forgot to mention i have dissolved 1 pound of gold pin which i will normally yield about 0.5-0.6g per pound using smelting method.... :cry: :cry: :cry:

For this batch i stripped gold test pin, The 4Hr Stripping is the screen which i did not process yet, I am only trying to test a few pieces it really took a long time to dissolve those tiny gold wire inside.
Sorry to make you confused.

I have some more pins to try but hoping someone could guide me, I have follow every step and has read alot but why is the result like this DId i miss out something? Or my ph paper is useless and maybe too much sodium hydroxide and maybe the one i use is not m-nbss that i asked you before?

Please please,,, I would like to try a new batch with great success.........Please guide me....

I am really into refining gold with cyanide now and wish i could master it.

Best regs

goldsilverpro said:

You certainly don't want to add any acid!!!!

I have never seen that happen. With you there and me here, it's hard to make a guess what has happened. I would think the first thing to do is try to get the crystals dissolved in some manner that won't make the situation worse. I would try diluting it with an equal amount of water and then heat it slowly with some stirring. If the crystals dissolve, stop heating it. Let us know what happened.

You said it took 4 hours to strip those parts. Are you talking about the pins around the perimeter or something else on the part?

How much zinc did you add?
I also forgot to mention i have added about 80g of sodium hydroxide to 1L cyanide solution to get ph 12 in my ph test strip.
I am just wondering issit too much sodium hydroxide and my ph test strip maybe expire or what?

you have done so many wrongs in your reaction that i dont know where to begin....
i have no idea what that foam is but im going to explain you 3 important things regarding your cynide refining in this batch as in future batches.
1. The correct process
your process is wrong all the way
here is the correct way of refining e-scrap in cynide (good only for thin plating 20-30 micron)
a) dont smash/break/shred the components but simpley reavel the gold if nessecery.
b) the base of the sulotion should be warm water
c) add 30gr/L of eithere putasium or sudium cynide
d) stirr it and heat to around 40-45 degrees C'.
c) check every 30 min or so if the e-scrap parts have lost theyr golden colour (if so this means the gold is in the solution)
d) add 10% of volume of Caustic soda and stirr.
e)to drop the gold add 2gr of Al for every 1gr of Au you know there is in the solution (if your not sure its ok to put a little more)
dont use zinc, zinc is workble but infrior to the Al in my opinion.

at the end all of the gold (and mybe some more metals if u used too much Al) should drop

2. gold presence in sulotion test
WARNING: this test although being fairly easy to carry IS EXTREMLEY HAZARDOUS and should only be carried under controld lab conditions with the appropriate fume hood. if you have acces to a lab of some sort its possible.
a) draw about 10cc of solution
b) add 3.3cc of Sulfuric acid (the fumes are extremly hazardous!)
c) add 5cc-10cc of Hydrogen peroxide
d) boil the solution for 1-2 hours
e)if there is gold in the solution it will drop to the bottom and by fire assying it u would be able to determine how much is in the entire batch.

3. The best course of action if i were in your shoes
a) if u have any doubts dont preform the test
b) i think the process is ruind by now
c) i think you should dehidrate the entire batch with some large surface container and some mild heat and fire assey the solids which will remain.

I can see a problem here. We haven't set it in stone but the general policy is, when one person with skills is guiding another person through a problem, no one interferes. Since there are so many ways of doing this stuff, only confusion can result when there are too many options. There are probably 10 different ways to do this and I am, at the present, more concerned about how to solve his present problem rather than tell him how he should have done things to start with. He obviously screwed up somewhere. You have spent all these years working at one company, doing things one way. You have, therefore, learned only one way of doing things. I have worked for, consulted for, or owned 31 gold refineries in my life (at last count), each of which did things at least somewhat differently. I learned from each.

You said,
i know everything there is to know preety much about the diffrent refining process of Au and Ag
I would say there's a ton of BS in your statement, even though you probably don't know the difference. You know one way of doing things. I'm not saying you don't have a lot of knowledge. I'm just saying that, true knowledge in this field comes when you realize that you don't know it all. No one on the planet knows it all. There are many ways to skin a cat.

You said,
1. The correct process
your process is wrong all the way

There is no "correct process". There are several workable process, all of which can work equally well. I can see some merit in your process but I also see some things I don't care much for.
goldsilverpro said:
Dear GSP,

I have follow your instruction heated the solution until the cloud has dissolved.
1> I tested the Ph again with new 0-14 test strip a few times the strip turn very dark purple to black which is not in the color chart.

Note: This solution does not contain gold.
2>I mix a new solution again with 15g sodium cyanide and 10g of the oxidizer powder which suspect is m-nbss in 500ml of Diluted water without dissolving and gold and tested the PH the test strip turn black which is not in the test strip color chart too, I then add about 1 grams of sodium hydroxide to the solution and tested the PH again, The test strip turn very dark purple black again. I slowly add gram by gram with stirring suddenly again a shampoo form white foam appeared on top, I know it i add zinc powder in, it will be the same. I leave the solution overnight the solution turn orange color. No matter how much sodium hydroxide i add the test strip shows the same color which i cannot compare on the PH color chart.

From here i assume, My problem maybe lies on the oxidizer powder and which cause chemical reaction or i have added too much sodium hydroxide. :cry: :cry: :cry:

If i am going to use hydrogen peroxide with sodium cyanide instead of my oxidizer powder may i know what is the ratio: to dissolve gold fast?
I have it with me now is hydrogen peroxide 30% in solution and sodium cyanide in pellet form.

I hope you could spare me your time to guide me throughout the way, I know all members here are busy but please spare me some time... I am willing to learn.....

Thanks and best regs...


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You said,
1. The correct process
your process is wrong all the way

There is no "correct process". There are several workable process, all of which can work equally well. I can see some merit in your process.[/quote]

I fully agree this statement , There is many workable process and all of which can work equally well, We are all looking for the best and easiest method.

2ndgenerationrefiner's posts needs to be addressed immediately.
2ndgenerationrefiner said:
The ph level should be around 14
2ndgenerationrefiner said:
He is doing the opposite of gold droping......
2ndgenerationrefiner said:
here is the correct way of refining e-scrap in cynide
Not only will your process NOT work,but you have no business trying to teach anyone else how to use Cn.You have been here 1 day,and already you have given wrong information several times,you advised a U.S. member to ship his escrap to china,because they are "reputable,and reliable",and you insulted and humiliated another member who was sincerely looking for help.

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