AP and AR+cold=??

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2012
New England
Ihve searched far and wide for information on this subject and can't find any information, Does anyone have ay info on what the freezing point of Ap and AR (HCL+Nitric not poor mans) Do i go off of the freezing point of the HCL which is the main ingredient in both or does it change because it is mixed with somethign else. Also do below freezing (32 Degrees Ferenheight) temps render the mixes useless or will their effect come back once it is all back up to some reasonable temperature, As I have no heated lab space to do my reactions and store the Mixes Between steps or day to day or if it gets dark or I dont have time to finish what I am doing for example drop the PM's from my AR I dont want to lose my material in some way. I maybe overthinking this Maybe not.
I'm not sure of the actuals freezing temps, but I left mine in an unheated garage all last winter. None ever froze. Also, the cold temps should have no effect on the solutions. Hope that helps.

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