AP / HCl-Cl method....might be shortened ?!!?

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Active member
Oct 18, 2007
Hiya guys,

I've been thinking about this method ever since I actually TRIED it once...
I was thinking - this could be shortened a little ==>how about these facts:
1. you strip the gold plated items in AP solution (HCl {+30%} + H2O2 {3%}).
2. filter the foils.
2a. check with SC for dissolved Gold in solution and drop it with SMB if gold is present.
3. you dissolve the foils in HCl-Cl solution.
4. you drop it with SMB for purification reasons.

NOW - I've been thinking... why not DISSOLVING the whole think in the AP solution and drop it from there with SMB... just skipping the HCl+Cl steps...
Of course you'll need to boost your AP solution so it would dissolve the gold for sure, say....putting in a 30% H2O2 instead of just 3%.....

What would the experts think of this ?
What are the +'s and what are the -'s of this shortened method ?

I think it could save us all a great deal of time, chemicals and money if it turns out to be a good method...

Tell me what you think...
You need to get rid of the base metals first and THEN dissolve your Gold.
AP removes the base metals and then HCL/Cl dissolves the fairly clean gold.

Same reason for not dissolving everything in AR.

Hiya Buzz,

Thanks for the reply...
The AP process should remove the base metals---> TRUE, but it is known that it sometimes dissolve some gold as well (if the ratios are not correct...).
My point is - why do a lot more steps if you can do the same with less ?!?
I mean - Yes - you will need a LOT more HCl, but when I think of the time consumption, HCl is cheaper.... :lol:

My main question was - WOULD IT WORK ???
Of course.
At least in the sense that it will put the gold into solution.
But, the thing is, it will put just about any base metal present
into solution along with it.
HCL with just about any oxidizer will do that. Wether it be h2o2,
a nitrate, or other.
It is just not the best way to go.
Especially if you have a high percentage of base metals present.
You are being given excellent responses to your question.

It boils down to having an understanding of why we do what we do when we do it.

When you precipitate gold from dirty solutions, you can expect a great amount of contamination to come down with the values. They are not easily removed by washing after the fact, although that operation improves quality immeasurably.

There are risks that accompany processing directly----one of them being losing values prematurely, to cementation. It is a risk that is not necessary, for nothing is gained aside from a few minutes of time. In both cases, all of the metals must be dissolved in order to recover the values, so it makes no sense to combine them when the risks of loss are greater, and the results are inferior. Do understand that the process works, it's just not in your best interest.

A good policy to keep in mind is that dissolving gold is for purification, whereas dissolving base metals is for concentration.

Directly dissolving values with no regard to base metals being present is not in your best interest unless you have no concern for quality.

Harold is right... (AGAIN I might add... :wink: )
The main reason I've posted the question is because I usually have many questions regarding ANYTHING that I do...I usually think of ways of doing things better / faster / easier / more efficient...
My question was posted to help me think about this "quicker way" with more perspectives then I had - and I must thank you guys for giving me that perspective...

In my logic - this way should have worked... but I didn't take the quality contamination in the account...
I hope this question actually helped a few people here that HAD the same question as I did, but never asked it - either because they acted like others did or never had the will to ask and know more...

I thank all of you who've helped me overcome my "blasphemy" :lol:
I will now go and have 20 Steve's HCl-Cl process rituals, and 15 Steve's SMB rituals, hopefully - the gods of refining will grant me with their forgiveness... :lol: