AP Liquid

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Search the forum for Acid Peroxide rejuvenate. There are tons of posts on it.

Also read the copper chloride document on my website in the documents section. This will explain more than anything else.

I tried to do the recommended search on the "Acid Peroxide rejuvenate" and ended up with 114 posts, looked at them and could not get closer to an answer.

Searches used: "AP Reuse" , "AP AND Reuse" , "Acid AND Peroxide AND Reuse", exchanged reuse with recycled, still no joy...

I then read your essay on your site and got everything I needed and more.

Now, that being said, I remember on one of my read every post till I fall asleep forum visits, that a process existed that;

If you ran a current through a steel anode/cathode that copper would cement out, leaving your solution light green and ready to use again.

Am I confusing this process of reuse; with that of just reclaiming copper metal from CuCl solution and destroying my AP solution for further use.

The thread I remember had pictures of two steel anode/cathodes hooked up to a battery charger in a large glass tank filled with used AP.

I have 5 gallons of used AP that I would like to drop the copper out of, but since I read your essay now I think the copper is useful as long as I bubble air and perhaps add H2O2 and even heat the solution to evaporate H2O and re-considerate my Acid Molarity.
they use iron(zink aluminum) to displace copper to make it safer, as copper can be dangerous, then they usually use a base to neutralize the acid, safer to dispose of.
for reuse copper is useful.
I was the person who posted about the two steel rods and dropping the copper out. To my knowledge and my own personal reuse of the AP, I have had no problems. I use a bubbler and it works just as good (to me) matched to new.

I have currently re-cycled over 5 gallons of AP this way.

Goos luck.......Jack

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