AP process on solder mask boards

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2011
I have quite a few pounds of boards with a sizable amout of gold on each. They all have a heavy solder mask coating. I plan to process them using the AP method and was wondering if the AP will work with the solder mask intact? Or, do I have to remove the solder mask prior to putting them into the AP bucket?

Thanks in advance for any advice/help.

Harold V, keep up the good work. We really love your contributions.
AP will dissolve copper. It would take quite some time, (months?) but it will probably dissolve all the copper from underneath the gold foils, even under solder mask. The problem then is how to get the gold out from under the solder mask.

I believe you would be much better off removing the solder mask - Lazer Steve has a great tutorial on that - then using AP to free the gold.
gold4mike said:
The problem then is how to get the gold out from under the solder mask.
Incineration is your friend, but then you'd be better served by removing the solder mask first. That way you can expect a much faster dissolution of the copper, as it will then be quickly attacked from all edges, not having to penetrate the masking.

I true and heart felt thank you to everyone on the board for all the help and guidance you have so freely given to me as well as all the others.

I have come across about 20 pounds of bare (no components installed) gold plated circuit boards. They were supposed to be cell phone boards, but not a single one of them was. They all have a solder mask coating. I also have about 7 or 8 pounds of used cell phone boards which are populated with parts.

On all boards with components, I am depopulating them with a heat gun from Northern Tool. It was inexpensive (about $20.00), but does a great job (faster with less damage to the boards) when compared to the propane torches I had been using.

The integrated circuits will either be crushed in my ball mill (if I ever get it finished), or else incinerated. Can you incinerate these things in a kiln? I own a Paragon kiln which will heat to around 2300 degrees Fahrenheit. I alsoo have a small forge built from an old 20 pound propane tank and lined with firebricks. It is difficult to regulate the temperature on, but I have place 1/4 inch thick by 3 or 4 inch wide steel plates over the top of it and in a matter of minutes, they are glowing a bright red to orange color. I woulld not want to use it since it gets so hot, I could literally see values going up in the almost smokeless heat wave from the top. Either way, the values will be processes with ACl with follow up processing in AR or possibly ACl to get the purity as high as possible.

For the borads, I will remove the solder mask, then process in AP. Once values have been recovered from the boards, the values will also be processed with AR or ACl to raise the purity.

Some items like the tiny connectors on the cell phones and the flexible conductors which connect into them will get the incineration process. I never really thought much of that process until after having read Harold V's comments.

The pins from the circuit boards are divided into two classes. Those with solder on them will go into a warm HCl bath to remove the solder, then into the electrolytic cell. Those without solder (like from the ends of hard drive cables) will go directly into the electrolytic cell. From there, I'm not sure if their purity will be high enough to melt into ingots or if they will need further purification. Will cross that bridge when I get to it.

Again, thanks to Harold V and ALL the moderators who have made this board into the forum and knowledge base it truly is. I simply cannot thank you guys and all the other non moderators enough for the knowledge, skills, ideas, and sometimes funny information you have provided.

I am sad to say that I purchased two Shor kits and used one only to lose all the values which had been in there. Since that time, I have found this forum and have been taking in as much knowledge as possible. This includes readin, re reading, and re re readhing Hoke's fine book. If I had found this forum first, it may have saved me well over $1000 in lost values. I hope to retire from my present position at the end of June, get one or both knees replaced, and then pursue this hobby and some other interests full time.
I had only had a few boards that had solder mask (I get mostly parts)
I just put them in the AP and eventually the copper disolved and the mask and gold came off. Cleaned and then used Hcl & beach- filtered and was done.

Since I only had a couple and not in a rush it worked fine for me. If you have a lot or not a lot of time then the other suggestions would be better.
For the boards, I will remove the solder mask, then process in AP.
From my experience there is no mask over the gold areas (on cell boards) so no need to remove the mask. The AP process removes all of the gold plate without a problem.
I wasn't sure if the AP solution could get under the foils since the solder mask seems to go right up to and possibly over the edge of the gold foil. I will give it a try on several boards, and if successful, then dump in the rest.
the AP will work its way under the foils from the end where components are soldered on. IMO, the solder mask is pushed up and loose by the escaping hydrogen gas. i have processed whole boards with the solder mask intact and still have some foils stuck to the board. i use my trusty painters tool to scrape these loose because the copper is gone and its just the solder mask holding it on. if you do this, you will have some copper in your foils unless you wash them in hcl before dissolution.be sure to wash your scraper well.
Solder mask is a coating,like gold plating over cooper...the only thing of AP is that it attack cooper ,so give the board a few scratches to more surface area.
If you do not want to incinerate after AP,the solder mask will be retained in filter(after HCl+clorox or AR).

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