Ap question?

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2012
New England
Does Ap do anything to silver, I put a bit of .925 silver in some AP solution as a test the other day, and it seems to have oxidesed the surface of it, is this just the ap reacting with any base metals that where in the piece, or is it actually disolving the silver it self? I assume its not because there are some silver colored floatie bits at the bottom of the test tube now, Just wanted to get another opinion
Silver is insoluble in a chloride, in a chloride acid the silver surface is attacked, but forms a passivated layer of silver chloride, this layer of silver chloride prevents the acid from attacking the silver metal under this passivated layer any more, so to answer your question no silver will not dissolve in HCl /3% H2O2 (the copper II chloride leach), your calling Ap (acid peroxide), or any acid chloride including aqua regia, actually using HCl on your silver you are forming a layer of passivated silver chloride crust on your silver, this layer silver chloride will not convert to silver nitrate if you dissolve this silver in nitric acid now as silver chloride will not dissolve in nitric, you will be adding chloride salts to the nitric you put this silver into to try dissolve the silver and copper leaving some undissolved silver chloride, if you are using this silver,with silver chloride coating to in-quarter gold the silver chloride would burn off in fumes, so you would loose some silver in the melt.
very intresting thanks for the reply butcher I have learned something new, I know i am some what new at this stuff and i appreciate the fact that you experienced folks are willing to answer random questions this forum is my favorite place on the internet, always something new and interesting to learn
Practice Hoke's experiments it is a great way to get an understanding how the metals react in acids, this will give you the tools to overcome all kinds of problems, and judge what may be the best approach to a problem, or the best way to get out of a bind.

Heck All I did is read the book, read the forum and played in the acids,and had a great time doing it, this is why when someone wants to learn we say read the book, because that is the best way, I could answer a million questions and you still would have trouble understanding it, but if you done the research on what is interesting you, read the book and the forum and experimented, Then you would understand it, you would not have to ask questions (because you can always find the answers), and before you know it you would be teaching me.
Great answers and advice from Butcher as usual.
The advice to read C.M.Hoke cannot be repeated often enough, thanks Harold, it really is the book to learn the basics and even some more advanced refining and recoveries.

To all newbies read C.M.Hoke......
butcher said:
Practice Hoke's experiments it is a great way to get an understanding how the metals react in acids, this will give you the tools to overcome all kinds of problems, and judge what may be the best approach to a problem, or the best way to get out of a bind.

Heck All I did is read the book, read the forum and played in the acids,and had a great time doing it, this is why when someone wants to learn we say read the book, because that is the best way, I could answer a million questions and you still would have trouble understanding it, but if you done the research on what is interesting you, read the book and the forum and experimented, Then you would understand it, you would not have to ask questions (because you can always find the answers), and before you know it you would be teaching me.

I to knew absolutely nothing about gold refining when i started this as a hobby. I owe every scrap of information i have ever learned to Hoke and this forum. Some people don't understand the real value is not in in the gold itself but in the knowledge you seek of the gold. What do i mean? If you don't understand the last part it's because you haven't refined enough yet. Gold holds many secrets and mysteries which one can only learn through observation and understanding. I love my job slash hobby. :mrgreen:

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