AP Turned cloudy

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Active member
Oct 20, 2011
Rhode Island U.S.A.
i have soaked over a pound of fingers and a pound of pins in AP. after a few days I filtered off most of the solution and all the gold (that I could see) was very fine, not big foils like steves video. and now the solution is very cloudy and the pins are turning white. please help and guide me threw the next steps. thanks for saving my butt in advance :cry:
sounds like you have some water in your solution. did you put some in the solution or maybe some rain got in it?when AP solution has water introduced some of the copper in solution drops out of suspension and i suspect thats what the cloudy precipitate and the white on your pins are. some fresh muriatic acid should clear it back up.
Geo is correct. The white cloud is common copper I chloride. Add acid until the AP turns green then bubble with air. This is a common indication that your acid peroxide is saturated with copper.

Search the forum for my posts Acid Peroxide Info and another Acid Peroxide help for more details. You should also study the Copper Chloride Etchant document on my website.

Fine particles instead of foils indicates the scrap is very lightly plated or your agitation is too vigororus.


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