AP wash bucket accident

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Nov 16, 2008
Ok sure this has not happened to any one. :roll:

I had a bucket of AP wash. I rested my filter on top of it to move some things around.

Opps It fell in with the gold and all.

Now I had a steel frame from a computer to drop the copper out. But the Acid dissolved this into little chunks. SO the chunks, gold and dust are all one.

I tried to AP the steel chunks up but no luck.

Thought? other than I am a idiot. :mrgreen:
Could you use a magnet to attract the steel chunks and wash off
the dust and gold foils from the steel you are removing?

Just a thought. I do that to remove the steel / magnetic legs from
the solution once the gold has come loose from them.
good idea. geesh i am slow. But I also have the muck to deal with also.
For some reason I been getting alot of residue in my finger runs. I keep it all in a pile. gold and all till I figure out what to do with it.

I made the mistake of tossing cell boards in and whole memory sticks in.
Si I have chips and debris I need to work out. IE the larger particles pulled out with a tweezers.

glorycloud said:
Could you use a magnet to attract the steel chunks and wash off
the dust and gold foils from the steel you are removing?

Just a thought. I do that to remove the steel / magnetic legs from
the solution once the gold has come loose from them.
Ahhhh, Mr. Tweezers - you're new best friend! :lol:

Half the battle to refining is careful attention to the processing of what you want to refine.
Spend some time watching Lazersteve's video's - they will help you.


And remember to help him out with a donation or purchase from his website.
He's a great guy and his products are targetted to what we escrappers need.
Now, if he could only bottle up some common sense............ 8)
have watched them. those that I could that is.
I have tried to find these cd's that people talk about but can not find them either.

glorycloud said:
Ahhhh, Mr. Tweezers - you're new best friend! :lol:

Half the battle to refining is careful attention to the processing of what you want to refine.
Spend some time watching Lazersteve's video's - they will help you.


And remember to help him out with a donation or purchase from his website.
He's a great guy and his products are targetted to what we escrappers need.
Now, if he could only bottle up some common sense............ 8)

The DVDs are on my pricing page. There is a link at the top of the videos page.

thanks Steve. well look again. I watch a bit at a time till I get a pile of fingers processed in AP. Then I will watch again to do the Acid Clorox step. ECT.

The teal green clumps disolved right away with water.

I will process through nylons to get better control of this.
The filter micron is to small and clogs fast.

lazersteve said:

The DVDs are on my pricing page. There is a link at the top of the videos page.

How much acid or which acid does it take to effect Nylon?

I'm not sure.

Don't be surprised if you end up having to incinerate a sticky Nylon mess to recover your values.

Find a better filter media.
Ok a test will tell. It is only the wash.

I have a mess right now.
I have filtered it through a kitchen strainer.
Need to find a smaller and smaller medium as you stated.
But will pick out the gold as I go.

The greenish mess I have, I believe could be mask.

If I burn off that mess with alachol the rest can be processes how?
I am not ready for that stage but should ask.

qst42know said:
How much acid or which acid does it take to effect Nylon?

I'm not sure.

Don't be surprised if you end up having to incinerate a sticky Nylon mess to recover your values.

Find a better filter media.
I'll let someone with experience treating a similar mess advise you.

But if I had to guess, allow to settle even if it takes a couple days, and the solids you may need to incinerate before it will cooperate.
If the green stuff is indeed solder mask it will be removed when you filter the dissolved foils.

the mess is a sludge.
but mask is there also. the mask could also be a fine powder? I dont know?
I am air drying the sludge ans will nit pick the gold and other larger items out for later.

qst42know said:
I'll let someone with experience treating a similar mess advise you.

But if I had to guess, allow to settle even if it takes a couple days, and the solids you may need to incinerate before it will cooperate.
Thank you LS. It was a question for future. I was worried about getting all the mask out first.

lazersteve said:
If the green stuff is indeed solder mask it will be removed when you filter the dissolved foils.

LS thank you.
Yes I have done that. But I have a very fine powder, ie greenish sludge that clogs the filters fast that I am hung up on.
I will filter it out with a larger micron filter for the gold and keep it separate for later analysis. Thoughts were to test the sludge later for gold.
But I know I have small particles of gold floating. I can see the glitter at night in the bucket.

lazersteve said:
If the sludge is water soluble why not just rinse it out of the foils?

Then the sludge is likely copper I chloride and is soluble in straight 32% HCl.

I will do a teaspoon sample. some time.
Not priority for me.
Thanks LS.

lazersteve said:
hen the sludge is likely copper I chloride and is soluble in straight 32% HCl.

One word “incinerate”.

You have a mess, evaporate to dryness then take it to a red heat to remove all acids and organics. Then process as any other high grade ore by removing base metals first.

There is no need to overly complicate this.