Aqua regia

Gold Refining Forum

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New member
Nov 18, 2012
what can be put into this mix (aqua regia)can plastic be put in or circuit boards or should it be stripped down to just metals ?
martyn111 said:
Double posting doesn't get you an answer any faster, therefore it is advised that you post once in the correct catergory.
It is rude to double post and then to answer a member in all capital letters (considered yelling and is not accepted behavior on this forum).

This forum is not like others you may have visited on the Internet.
It is a great place to learn and to make friends; you will not find the valuable information the forum and its members provides related to precious metals any where else in the world.

I suggest you read the forum rules, spend time studying, most any question you can possibly have has been answered many times, spend a little time understanding what is acceptable on this forum, like double posting and using all capital letters, correct spelling and manners.

Welcome to the forum, you will find members here very friendly and willing to help, but we also follow guidelines here on the forum, and give each other respect, we also expect members to do their homework, much of the chemistry here can be very dangerous, and unless you study you would just put yourself and others in danger.

Some places to begin, forget about trying anything with acids until you completely understand the dangers and safety precautions of each process, learn how to work safely, learn how to prepare your materials, and learn the recover methods which processes to use when and why, then learn to refine the metal you recovered and removed the other base metals from.

Book section, or under many members signature line:
You will find Hoke's book, A must read, this book will teach you the principles of recovery and refining, if you wish to communicate here on the forum reading this book will help you to speak our language of recovery and refining, it also has experiments that once done and understood will help you tremendously when you are recovering or refining, they teach how different metals react to different acids which one cause problems and why, it will also help you trouble shoot when everything does not go the way you thought it would, you will also learn to test solutions for metals in solutions when you do not know what they contain or cannot tell if you have valuable metals in solution or which metals you may have in solution.
General chat section:
You will find the guide to the forum, general reaction list, and welcome to new members.

Safety section:
You will find dealing with waste, and many topics on safety, much of the safety you should also learn on your own from other sources on the intranet.

Help needed section:
A good topic here is getting your gold pure and shining (Harold's gold washing technique).

@ Bottom of index board page:
Future members read, here you will find what is and is not acceptable on the forum.

Forum members also have some very helpful web sites like Laser Steve's, or Sam's Gold N Scrape web site.

Welcome to the forum we will help you to learn recovery and refining, but also we expect manners, and for you to do your homework.

When you ask the question can you put whole circuit boards in a plastic bucket with aqua regia it shows how little you know, it also shows you have done no study here, it shows how dangerous you will be to yourself or others around from your uneducated ideas, and no clue of what your doing, your double posting shows impatience (something that can cost you gold or put you in harm with the chemistry we deal with, and your answer in capital letters, show not that you are sorry for double posting, and writing it twice shows disrespect, these attributes kept up you would not last long here as a member, and You have so much to gain and learn here as a member, so straighten up read the rules and suggested material and join us as a member of this group of friends helping each other.

It is my hope you will work hard to become on of our respected members on this forum, if not it has been nice chatting with you.
Butcher has already replied but I will leave this post to no doubt reinforce his good advice.
You have a lot to learn I'm afraid. AR isn't used as a recovery method as it will dissolve all metals, this will give you a severe headache to then recover your values, it's use is usually reserved for refining.
I suggest you take the guided tour here on the forum, take special interest in the safety section and download and read Hoke, this should start you in the right direction and once you have the basics fully understood research various processes using the search function, top right of your screen.
There is no easy one stop method for e scrap and to be successful you need to understand exactly what your doing and going to do, this takes time and lots of reading but its all here you just have to look and read.
Welcome to the forum.
Thanks Nickvc.

haymarkr, if you study for a while, you will find many ways to get the values from electronic waste, there are proceedures you will learn that work, and you will also read of the many problems people have trying things that will not work, you will also learn how to make a profit in other ways, like buying and selling, and what and where many of the values are, you will be amazed at the vast amount of valueable information available to you here on the forum, and you will also learn what a great group of people are here on the forum, they will not give you your education but they will help you anyway they can to gain your education and to help you profit.

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