Au-CL will not drop

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Active member
Jan 4, 2010
OK, I know I will get some flack for this but here goes.

I tried using the Au/CL process as a primary leach. I started with 4 gal. HCL and added several # of CPUs. Added CL as instructed. After several days Stanious test showed high concentration of Au. Added SMB to drop AU but Au failed to drop. Stanious test still showed positive for AU but swab quickly turned back to white.

For ease of handeling, I split the batch at this point into three portions, 2, 1 gal. batches( I'll call these batch "A" and batch "B") and a 2 Gal. batch (batch "C"). As instructed elsewhere on this forum, I diluted "A" and "B" at a rate of 3 to 1 and my Au fell out of batch "A" and "B", but "B" still shows Au with the stanious test.

"A" shows no Au and tests pH at 7.1 while "B" shows Au present and pH as 8.0.

How do I get the rest of the Au to drop out of "B"?

Thanks a lot,

Stanious test still showed positive for AU but swab quickly turned back to white.

Stannous test losing purple color = surplus of chlorine.

The test was purple and not brown right?

SMB works in an acidic solution, I don't know what it does in a basic solution.
If I remember correctly, he needs to heat the solution in order to evaporate the clorox & then evaporate HCL 'til it starts to thicken; then add a splash of HCL. Evaporate a bit more & then SMB will work. There is more detailed info in several posts.

philddreamer said:
If I remember correctly, he needs to heat the solution in order to evaporate the clorox & then evaporate HCL 'til it starts to thicken; then add a splash of HCL. Evaporate a bit more & then SMB will work. There is more detailed info in several posts.


Ding ding ding! Sounds like there is clorox left in solution. He should heat to drive it off. Doesnt take much. Could even let is sit in its container with the lid off in direct sunlight and it will eventually drive off the clorox. Hopefull excessive amounts of clorox werent added.
Boy, that is one thing I have never messed up yet and that is the
minute additions of clorox that I add to the HCL when dissolving
the gold foils and therefore I have thankfully never had a problem
dropping the gold with SMB.

Just drop in a splash, let it do it's thing, walk away, come back
and give it a swirl and see if there might be undissolved foils.
If there are add a splash more and repeat until they're all gone. Dilute with
3x volume of water and I am ready for the "return of the yoo-hoo"
when I add the SMB! :lol:
I would like to thank all who responded to my request for help. diluting did help, but ultimatly I had to adjust the pH to get it all to drop out of solution.

You all are great and this forum is a great asset to us all.

I do not know if I read that properly but you said that you put chips directly to HCl with clorox? If you did so you are not getting only gold in your drop but some gold with other metals. Your powder will need to be washed out properly at get rid of other metals present.

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