Awesome US Chemical Supplier

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Active member
Dec 5, 2012
I found a website that sells most all of the Chemicals we use to refine gold. USA Company. Extremely awesome prices on NaNO3, Nitric 70%, Sulfuric 96%, Lab Supplies, etc. etc. They normally supply biodiesel stuff I guess, but I order NaNO3 here all the time. 10 pounds of NaNO3 is like $20 with shipping. Here is a link I got from their site. EDIT: It is against forum rules to tell you about this chemical supplier.
Is it really? I can't find it on their website for some reason. Also, the brand I see say 15% Nitrate. This site has 99% Tech Grade. Sears is the only site of a large store I can find it and it is listed at 20 for 4#. So unless I am mistaken, which is possible, that comes to 0.6 # for $20. 3.4# of filler.
No its not that.

He had a link to there web site in his signature line and seemed to be "pushing" or selling the company in a way that border lined spamming. Seems that it was an honest mistake.

I think that the supplier was something like dudadiesel. Maybe.

Seems to be a fairly wide resource for chemicals and supplies...not sure if this one was mentioned yet.

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