
Gold Refining Forum

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New member
Jan 2, 2013
Hi my names Kevin I live in Alberta Canada I'm very intrested in getting into gold recovery from scrap and plated items as well as refining pure gold I'm not a chemist or a metal smith I'm an electrician but I am well versed in basic chemistry . So I need a whole Vulgar language deleted ton of questions answered and was wondering if there was some kind folks on here to get me started . First I need to know good sources to find chemicals and methods to get going thanks.
I'm BS. from Denver, Pennsylvania USA.
Start by reading the guidlines of this forum.
You posted this in the wrong section so no one will find it.
Next, Look around and do a search to find a link to "Hoke's" book.
Reading this book, free here, will teach you all the basics for what you wish to learn. Patience is needed and reading.

Searching for that search box in the upper right corner of the window...
GoldHunter said:
Hi my names Kevin I live in Alberta Canada I'm very intrested in getting into gold recovery from scrap and plated items as well as refining pure gold I'm not a chemist or a metal smith I'm an electrician but I am well versed in basic chemistry . So I need a whole regular ton of questions answered and was wondering if there was some kind folks on here to get me started . First I need to know good sources to find chemicals and methods to get going thanks.

You need to study the forum and look for a link to Hoke's book. Your questions should be answered with the search box as I doubt you will have a new question that has not been asked a few times before.
Your language and manners will matter here, I hope your first post isn't a sign of what is to come, editing is OK to remove something you didn't mean to type, as in a regular ton would have explained things just fine.

GoldHunter said:
Hi my names Kevin I live in Alberta Canada I'm very intrested in getting into gold recovery from scrap and plated items as well as refining pure gold I'm not a chemist or a metal smith I'm an electrician but I am well versed in basic chemistry . So I need a whole shit ton of questions answered and was wondering if there was some kind folks on here to get me started . First I need to know good sources to find chemicals and methods to get going thanks.
We're not in the business of answering tons of questions to get someone started. Mainly, this is because nearly any question you could think of has already been answered here on the forum, many times over. Your job is to search for the answers to your questions. After that, we'll answer specific questions that you have problems with.

Welcome to the forum. You're a long way from being ready to start buying chemicals. But I will try to give you some direction to start learning the methods.

The first rule is to be safe in everything you do. Before you jump into any of the processes you see discussed here, be sure you understand the potential hazards and do everything you can to minimize the risks. It takes a lot of study but it's incredibly rewarding!

I strongly encourage all new members to follow the Guided Tour created by LazerSteve. It will provide an introduction to the forum and numerous valuable links. Be sure to follow the link to his web site as he has many outstanding videos, a collection of great reference documents, and he sells a lot of the supplies needed to get started including detailed instructional DVDs.

Second, download C.M. Hoke's book Refining Precious Metal Wastes. You'll see this book mentioned repeatedly here on the forum for good reason. It is probably the best book ever written for the beginner who wants to learn refining. It is written in layman's terms and will provide a solid foundation that will help you understand everything you read here on the forum.

Finally, and I can't stess this enough, read EVERYTHING in the Safety section of the forum. No amount of precious metal is worth jeopardizing your health or the health of those around you.

Once you understand the basics you can start to try some small scale experiments. If there's something you don't understand or you get stuck, there will be someone here to help you.

Best of luck,
Hi Kevin,
Alberta is a big place, where are you located within it? I'm close to Edmonton.

It's good your asking questions at this stage, it's better than doing something then asking after how to cleanup the mess like I've seen in a few recent threads. You've been given some excellent advice already by knowlegable people. This forum is self-serve which means all the information that's been discussed since it's creation is open for your reading, all searchable. Spend some time reading like you were advised.
Asking questions about basic processes at this stage tells the forum you really haven't done your homework.

As you read you should be asking yourself some questions. I'm sure there is more but here's a few to start.

What type of scrap do you intend to recover/refine?
What is your scrap source? Volume?
What process is best suited to your scrap?
Do you have a suitable location to refine considering all the safety aspects?
Will you be able to store raw and processed materials?
Whats your plan for dealing with the leftover base metals?
Whats your plan for dealing with chemical wastes?
What does your family and neigbours think of all this?

Take your time and understand the processes before starting. I'm sure questions will crop up later but in the mean time you can accumulate scrap while you learn.... the gold won't be going anywhere.
Once you feel confident to do a test batch you could start a thread describing your intended process. If there are errors the others will help you correct them. This can all be done BEFORE you buy any chemicals.

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