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New member
Jan 14, 2013
I was wondering if someone could tell me where to get the detailed instructions for gold refining. Any help would be great
I have been looking around and it seems to be some info here more info over here. I was just wanting a straight forward from start to finnish explanation of the process
The guided tour :

Download Hokes book and read.

Read Hoke's book AND do the familiarization exercises as well. Afterwards, read the book again, front to back. Then study the forum for a few months. You should quietly read through all the sections, at all the posts for the first few months. Then, if you have some scrap material, and you feel confident, try to refine it. Once all the above have been performed, and you need help, ask questions. This forum has many brilliant individuals, like g_axelsson, which are willing to help. However, nobody here will help you unless they know you have invested the proper time in educating yourself, on your own.
The guys are giving you good advice although it might not seem so to you. Refining is a very big subject and there are so many variables that no one knows it all. Gold rarely comes on its own it is usually mixed with other metals or elements and depending on what exactly those are can determine which process or method is used to avoid losing your gold or other values or creating a mess that can and will take months to put right.
Take the advice and read and research and I'm sure you will come to understand we are trying to help but you have to do your part and learn the basics at least. To put it simply there is no A-B method or process but many.
I was wondering if someone could tell me where to get the detailed instructions for gold refining.

This is like asking could someone tell me how to be a scientist in the field of metallurgy, in a few posts.

It can take years of study to learn, and years of practicing the art.
There are no detailed instructions.

But you can begin your journey of learning with a very good book, easy to read written by a scientist, but written in layman’s terms, easy to read and easy to learn from, the book can be bought or can be downloaded for free from the forum.

The forum is just a huge library of information on the subject; I would say it is like a university in this field.

A good place to begin is to start with, welcome to new members, guide to the forum, and the general reaction list (follow the links), you will see these in general chat.

The safety section will be a must, you do not want to poison yourself or others, or have something blowup in your face or cripple yourself trying something you do not understand yet.

In this section you will need to read and understand dealing with waste, so your not poisoning yourself or others.

These are the detailed instructions for beginning to learn to recover and refine gold and other precious metals.
being impatient myself, I once bought a step by step "guide" to recovering and refinning gold from E-scrap. It did as stated... "A Guide". It detailed the process using only 1 method without going into depth of Safety or the why's things are done and what happens.
Bottom line, Got me into more of a mess then I could have done on my own!
Now, years later, I am here learning all I can shove into my gray matter of a brain. That way, when I see a mess heading my way, I'll already know what to do and why.
Read the book and wander around here and you will soon learn to run with it after first learning to walk.

A major thank you to all who have shared many years of trial and error...
iv been researching for about 2 months iv written EVERYTHING i have learnt down, i have written my questions down, i have written a 6 page method statement down an just what im about to do, im also writing a method statement on here and keeping a journal of my progress to show and explain if any sticky situations occur, one piece of advice, Preparation, study, lots of hours of reading lots of hours of writing, i haven't left my computer in a week, and im only just scraping the surface, good luck man
I joined the forum on 11-27-11 and didn't make my first post until 10-29-12. The whole time I was reading Hoke's book, reading through ALL of the posts throughout the forum, looking through lazersteve's website and samuel's websites. I studied, studied and studied some more. I pinpointed the most knowledgeable members and learned to follow every post they made. Mr. Harold, lazersteve, butcher, goldsilverpro, samuel (spelling may be off with my attempt here),jimdoc, Geo, to name just a few. To those select few, I have been a silent student and highly respect.
srlaulis said:
I joined the forum on 11-27-11 and didn't make my first post until 10-29-12. The whole time I was reading Hoke's book, reading through ALL of the posts throughout the forum, looking through lazersteve's website and samuel's websites. I studied, studied and studied some more. I pinpointed the most knowledgeable members and learned to follow every post they made. Mr. Harold, lazersteve, butcher, goldsilverpro, samuel (spelling may be off with my attempt here),jimdoc, Geo, to name just a few. To those select few, I have been a silent student and highly respect.
sam website is what got me started his youtube channel was my inspiration, along with Geo, he has some wicked videos you must watch
Yes, it is. My first to be exact. I melted it last week. I rushed through Mr. Harold's washing instructions in order to have it ready for my trip, so it isn't the prettiest specimen. It weighed 6.1 grams. 8)
Analogies can help :)
this is the first post I've seen a decent one, so let me embellish:
Detailed instructions for refining is like asking for detailed instructions on how to build a bridge.
There are just so many types, so many situations, so many materials, etc. that it's impossible to give a step-by-step procedure for every situation.
Instead, you have to take several college courses covering every situation and what it requires.
Someone can tell you "cut down a tree, lay it across the creek". but what if the river is too wide, or you wanted to be able to drive a car across it, or there are yearly floods, etc.
It's the same with refining: every situation is different and you need to be able to know what's going on as it's happening or find yourself walking out onto your bridge and it'll break.
Expect to spend the equivalent of a college course (or longer) learning what to do in common situations before you even make a shopping list.
You guys ate all lost
I mean look at me, I only screwed up
My first 17 batches. Maybe 1-2 grams each ,A measly couple grand
Now after study and the form and Really getting
The hang of it I only screw up 1 out of 10 processes10-20 grams each
8) x :lol:
Thanks, butcher. I am very proud of it and GRATEFUL that a FREE forum like this exists, filled with so many BRILLIANT members. Nowadays everywhere you turn someone is trying to capitalize one the next person. Buy this, buy that. This forum is truly a gem. I don't think a lot of these new members realize how unique this thing is. All of the knowledge throughout this forum is beyond worth it's weight in gold. I couldn't have done it without people like you and Hoke. For that, I salute you. :p
Well I am very grateful to Hoke, and to all of the members who have helped me learn also.

We work hard to learn but without the forum, and its members and the sharing of information none of this would be possible.

I believe none of us would have the opportunity to learn this science, as well as we can here, if it was not for the forum, and all of the members sharing, in fact I doubt there is a college that you can get the kind of education you can get here if you work for it.

Also this forum can succeed or not very easily, the members can make or break it.

I feel all of the good members know this, and work hard to protect the forum, and thanks to the standards set here on the forum, we have something for all of us to be proud of, it does not matter how new we are, or how much we know yet, this forum is our baby to take care of, every one of us here brings something to the table, from our experience in life, even if it is not a history of chemistry or refining, we learn something from each other, and we reinforce in our minds what we learn by helping others learn.

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