My opinion only.
Spending money, or trying anything, before learning is a mistake, you can set up a small lab with things found in the kitchen section or the hardware section of a second hand store, some chemicals can be found locally at hardware or pool supply, other chemicals, or supplies can be made...
Before spending your money on anything, or trying anything, learning is important, with that education you know what you will actual need. Know where to find it, know or be able to test its value. Know what to do with it...
The education is the key, that is where the true value is.
Like that old saying it takes money to make money.
It takes education to get the gold.
My suggestion, start off building your education work on that primarily, gaining the understanding you will need, and work on your impatient nature (it will only slow you down).
There are many ways to begin learning, I suggest:
Study every thing, beginning with safety, and how to deal with waste safely.
Then using Hokes book study it until what she teaches clicks in your mind, and study of the forum, reading these you begin to get the education and understanding you will need to be able to gain the experience, to work on your skills...
Limit your lab work to learning the basics first, using Hokes book as a guide, the getting acquainted experiments in the book, and expanding these experiments with things we do with some of the "work around" procedures you learn on the forum.
Use note books of what you study, and of your lab-work experiments...
After gaining more of an understanding gained through your study and small experiments, begin working with a more simple material (again small experiments at first), materials like sterling silver, memory fingers, or karat gold, that have less base metals or materials that cause problems, working with them you have a better understanding, of what to expect when you start working with harder materials, you do not have as many problematic materials for getting things wrong in the different procedures, you will learn more faster...
Study each procedure, of the material or scrap your planning to work with, there may be many procedures, or many steps for each type of scrap, there may be different ways to get the same goal accomplished, in finding, preparing, recovery and refining of a particular type of scrap, also study the problems you will have with that scrap. study the safety precautions, or steps needed with that type of scrap, or with the procedures or materials you will be working with or using to prepare, recover or refine that scrap.
The forum is a great resource, some places to begin:
General reaction list.
Guide to the forum.
Welcome new members.
Safety and dealing with wastes.
This list can go on and on, but as you study you will find more.
Welcome to the forum, education is your treasure map, and the forum is the best treasure map I know of.