best way to proceed....

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May 19, 2013

Just recently joined the group here and so far there has been nothing but great info and helpful people, thats really cool.
I started a batch of escrap about a week ago before downloading Hoke's book and havent quite caught up to where I went wrong or if I even did.
I stripped pins and edge connectors with AR made with 50V/V Nitric and Murriatic (1:3 ratio) and I began to realize after reading that I was in to much of a hurry for an outcome and that I used too much Nitric and when adding SMB to the solution got nothing but brown fizz and smoke. I understand that I need to remove the Nitric before any gold will drop but since I have the SMB in a larger amount than I need already in the pot, can I reduce by evaporating and diluting the finds with water? if so, will I have to use SMB for that batch as well or once the Nitric is gone the gold will fall??

im in need of some direction if possible!
Thanks, Pete
Welcome to the forum,

You are right all the information is here on the forum, as you have done read hokes book it will give you a working knowledge of processing.

As far as your pins go, 1, you could evaporate the solution down to a syrup ( Do Not Boil ) Add HCL in small amount to remove the HNO3(nitric) repeat this until there is no more red/brown fumes coming off the solution. Add two times the volume of H20 ( water) then add SMB this should drop any gold as a brown mud.

Hope this helps, continue to read this forum and hokes book.
Good Luck

edited, pete using AR for pins is over kill, research AP process it works better for pins or you may want to strip them with a gold cell all this is here on the forum use the search feature to locate the threads.
Welcome to the forum.
Pete depending on the amount of pins you have dissolved I would use either the method jeneje outlined if it was a large amount or if just a small quantity then I would perhaps suggest just cementing your gold with a piece of copper and then some serious reading and study before trying any more recoveries or refining. Read Hoke until she makes sense before furthering your studies on the forum, you can still gather more material to refine when your properly ready, your gold is still going to be there unless you lose it which is very easy if you don't know what your doing.
Refining isn't that difficult if you follow the right processes and methods and they are all here and for free you just have to put the hours in studying to get the right method or process for a given type of material.
Good luck and get reading.
To all who responded, thank you!

I am continuing to read Hoke's book as well as get pointers from others here on the site. As far as evaporating the solution, Im doing so very slowly, trying not to boil it. yesterday I had to wrap up my project for the day and set the solution i was currently evapping aside and in the morning after it had cooled there was a large amount of green crystals with little traces of blackish residue. assuming the green is the ferrous and the black is possibly my gold!?. still have a long way to go to evap the rest of my first batch. Jeneje suggested to add HCL to the residual to remove any traces of Nitric, which I plan on doing first on a small batch to estimate my total possible yield. I will keep you all updated and as usual, suggestions are welcome!

Thanks again,
Be VERY careful. The reddish/brown fumes are very toxic. They can kill very quickly and as far as I know, there is no antidote or cure. Continue reading Hoke and the forum for valuable information. No amount of precious metals is worth losing your life or the lives of a loved one over.

Best wishes.
So far I think Im on the right track. Got my Nitric out and was able to drop dust with SMB. decanted the fluids into another container until I can get some Stannous Tests done on it. Meanwhile, added enough HCL to cover the dust and let sit for about 5 minutes, then added 4x's the HCL amount with Disstilled H2O, hey no more green/blue solution! let it stand for a few hours and come to find clear liquid and rust looking mud at the bottom.
Now, I want to completely make sure I have all other metals/contaminents, ie: board fragments,etc. removed from this solution before I dry and bake.
should I:
A) do more HCL washes and call it clean and burn the rest off in the melting pot?
B) create another small AR solution, filter and redrop with SMB?

And on a side note, I plan on using an Argon/O2 torch mixture to melt my powder since that what I have available. Is this gas combo going to create issues with the process??

Petebbc66 said:
So far I think Im on the right track. Got my Nitric out and was able to drop dust with SMB. decanted the fluids into another container until I can get some Stannous Tests done on it. Meanwhile, added enough HCL to cover the dust and let sit for about 5 minutes, then added 4x's the HCL amount with Disstilled H2O, hey no more green/blue solution! let it stand for a few hours and come to find clear liquid and rust looking mud at the bottom.
Now, I want to completely make sure I have all other metals/contaminents, ie: board fragments,etc. removed from this solution before I dry and bake.
should I:
A) do more HCL washes and call it clean and burn the rest off in the melting pot?
B) create another small AR solution, filter and redrop with SMB?

And on a side note, I plan on using an Argon/O2 torch mixture to melt my powder since that what I have available. Is this gas combo going to create issues with the process??



Please don't take this the wrong way, You need to Stop what you are doing. put the solution up somewhere safe, the gold will not go anywhere. Download Hokes book, read the guided tour link on the forum, read the safety section, and research the type of material you are trying to refine before you get hurt, or hurt someone else.
What you doing now is not correct, you have left out steps. You have a lot of learning to do. Do your homework and then take babie steps. You must first learn how to make and test your solutions, without this knowledge you are fighting a losing battle.

Good luck and stay safe.
Absolutely!I will be hitting the books. Thanks for all of the input and in light of this, the positive feedback. I feel I can get it right but I know I'm flying blind without knowledge and id rather be safe and productive than sorry and broke! :roll: I will be back......

After some more reading and finding the direction I needed to go I was able to produce 13 grams of 22k+ gold from E-scrap and broken jewlery. I want to thank Jeneje for the reality check, I guess I had a little bit of a fever.... :lol:

I will post pictures shortly.

Working safely,
Petebbc66 said:

After some more reading and finding the direction I needed to go I was able to produce 13 grams of 22k+ gold from E-scrap and broken jewlery. I want to thank Jeneje for the reality check, I guess I had a little bit of a fever.... :lol:

I will post pictures shortly.

Working safely,
Pete your welcome, sometimes we all need a reality check. We look forward to seeing the pics.


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