So many 'fun with ebay users' stories... we should start a thread!
sold a gold ring, about $180
Sent it in a small manila envelope (sorta heavy-duty paper) with foam padding and ebay recipe, via USPS with Registered Mail (insurance, signature confirmation, tracking)
A few days later, the buyer contacted me saying he received the envelope, but that it was cut open (not accidentally torn) and the ring was gone, but the recipe remained.
I was stunned, then did some research into insurance. Turns out it pretty much only applies when USPS tells you it applies. such as if it gets run over with a car while in transit, they would send you the remains and an insurance check. But once something gets delivered without them admitting anything happened, it's no longer covered. Which makes it just about useless.
I went to the post office, described the situation, they said to call some investigator of postal stuffs, who told me to call a different investigator of postal stuffs, who told me they have a website where you can submit a form to start a complaint.
I sent all the info I had to the buyer (tracking number, dates it was where, recipe, etc.) and said that it should probably come from him as I don't have first-hand experience of what he received or the empty envelope. Up until then, we had great communication. After I sent this, I haven't heard one word from him. The end.
He seemed honest through the ordeal, but after he never responded, I just assumed he was trying to scam. Or felt it just wasn't worth the hassle.