Bottom of Sulfuric Cell Has A Grey Layer - Is That Lead?

Gold Refining Forum

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Hello members,

I was filtering one of my sulfuric cells that had been sitting outside for about 2 months now covered up. When I went to filter the solution, I noticed some grey layer at the bottom of the cell, along with the black powder. Is the grey layer lead from the cell?

Also, since it's pouring out along with the black powder, would I incinerate as usual and process it like I did before to remove the lead, if that is indeed lead?

I also realized that the top I had on the cell wasn't on good enough and water got in the solution. Can I evaporate the water off or do I dispose of the solution?

Thanks again for all the help this forum has provided me. I am slowly but surely recollecting all my notes and information I once had at my disposal before my hard drive crashed on me.

I have since my original post filtered the sulfuric acid and I got more black powder out of it. As far as the water in the solution, when it stops raining in a few more days from now, I'll put it on the hot plate and slowly let it cook off and evaporate the water out of it to bring the concentration back to a working state.

Lead identification (one possibility):
Dissolve a sample
Add clear dichromate solution
An orange-yellow mud of lead chromate should appear

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