Bubbling for home made nitric.

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Dec 5, 2012
So I am going to make some nitric by bubbling a reaction of sodium nitrate, HCl, and copper. The results will be weak nitric. So my question is.. Can I just do the reaction a second time to make stronger nitric? Here is a link to the video by nerd rage of what I am going to do. http://www.instructables.com/id/Make-Nitric-acid-The-Complete-Guide/

So I am going to make some nitric by bubbling a reaction of sodium nitrate, HCl, and copper. The results will be weak nitric. So my question is, Can I just do the reaction a second time to make stronger nitric?

This reaction will sort of make nitric acid but the main problem is the chlorides which will also distill over, what you will actually be making by using the HCl and nitrate salt is a form of aqua regia in this reaction with the copper will be (poor mans aqua regia), distilling over chloride gases with the NOx gases you will not distill over nitric acid or even aqua regia, but will just end up being a strong acidic solution of nitrates and chlorides, basically useless for refining.

You will find much better methods for making nitric acid on the forum, search poormans nitric acid recipe, making nitric with this method and careful distilling it will give you a good product you can use for refining and recovery.


I use a process similar to the one you describe to make nitric acid using gold plated copper pins, the products of the process are usable nitric acid, gold foils, and copper sulfate which I crystallize and save, there is no waste, I call it “to kill two birds one rock”.


A great web site lots of good information, and fair price on supplys, and the search I use when seraching the forum, Laser Steve's site:


We use dilute nitric in recovery or to dissolve silver and base metals when parting gold from silver and copper, so not much reason to make a concentrated solution, you can make nitric concentrated 68% if wanted, or you can concentrate dilute nitric up to 68% azeotrope with careful evaporation.
Thank you Butcher. I will use that info for sure. I tried my way a couple times and the acid worked for a little while but action subsided rather quickly. After Christmas I am going to get some more supplies. The sulfuric freezer method seems to be the way to go. Just melted my first button today too. With a dish from steve's website. Worked pretty well. How many melts does one normally get out of it?
I've melted more than 20 times in the first dish I got from Steve. It's got a crack in it now and some contamination but I can still use it for inquarting.

If you're more careful than I was about heating it slowly to drive out any moisture you'll get many more uses from it than I have.

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