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Intente hacer las pruebas obvias en su carbono.
Se trata de poner una capa de 3 partículas de espesor sobre una bandeja de acero inoxidable o porcelana.
Ceniza durante la noche a 650 ° C en un horno eléctrico con la puerta abierta 5 mm para la entrada de aire.
Por la mañana, deje que la bandeja se enfríe y transfiera la ceniza a un vaso que contenga agua regia 1:4.
Cocine a fuego lento hasta que los vapores nítricos marrones hayan dejado de desprenderse, luego espere unos 10 minutos más para eliminar cualquier rastro de nítrico residual.
Después de enfriar, filtrar, llevar a volumen y analizar el licor, lo mejor es hacerlo mediante AAS en un extracto orgánico DIBK/Aliquat 336.
Compare los resultados de este análisis con cualquier método alternativo, las pérdidas de las alternativas son horrendas.
Greetings Mr. Deano, I am carrying out this process but my results have not been positive, I would like help to know what happened I am commenting wrong, I will attach images...


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Try doing the obvious testwork on your carbon.
This involves putting a 3 particle thick layer on a stainless steel or porcelain tray.
Ash overnight at 650C in an electric furnace with the door cracked open 5mm for air ingress.
In the morning allow the tray to cool, transfer the ash to a beaker containing 1:4 aqua regia.
Simmer until the brown nitric fumes have stopped evolving, then give it a further 10 minutes or so to get rid of any trace residual nitric.
After cooling, filter, make to volume and assay the liquor, best done by AAS on a DIBK/Aliquat 336 organic extract.
Compare the results from this analysis with any alternative methods, the losses from the alternatives are horrendous.
Hello greetings, I inform you of the procedures that I have been carrying out, I am developing a gold extraction project from activated carbon ashes, I have recovered using the method of melting the ash with botax and a blowtorch, 2g of Borax for every 1g of Ash, the which has a result of 10gr of 16K Gold for every 1000gr of Ashes... Lately I am interested in carrying out the aqua regia leaching method to extract gold from ash, but my results have remained negative, I have not been able to recover, I do not know if I am carrying out the test correctly. wrong, I would appreciate your help


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