As much as i like my digital copies, there is still something to be said for the holding the book itself in hand.
one nice thing about the digi-copy is that a person can print out a page and pin it to the wall if they want, and not risk ruining an expensive book.
I really appreciate having digi-copies available to read through and see if chasing donw the hard copy version of the book is worth the time and effort.... and yes if the copyright is out on a book a person could go to a copy place and make a book or have it done too.....
I cant have every book that is suggested, and i do appreciate those e-books or digi-copies that have been placed up for folks to look at..... ive got enough reading material to last a couple years doing nothing but reading if i choose to, and as long as i have a computer to access the disks.
Gotta say thanks to Ralph for most of those chemistry e-books too.
Still vertical in Idaho